Lisa Rhyne holding her book, "Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet"
Lisa holding the first proof copy
"Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet" audiobook cover


The paperback, hardcover and ebook are available on Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. The ebook is also available on Apple Books and Google Play Books. (See details on the book’s page.

I am working on the audiobook now (as of April 2024). If you think reading this book is a challenge…imagine professionally narrating nearly 172,000 words for an audiobook! Fortunately, being the author and knowing the material intimately helps me narrate it in a way a stranger never could. This is a monumental task and true labor of love as this book was written in my “voice” and I know I’m the only person to narrate the audiobook. 

It is customary to create a companion “Reference PDF” for audiobooks that contain visuals (charts, diagrams, photos, etc.) and as you know, “Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet” has over 300 visuals. The audiobook’s Reference PDF contains all the visuals in the book (in the order they appear), plus the full Mayan Birth Chart and complete Dragon Dictate transcript. Additionally, it has an extensive “Word, Name, References, and Quoted Content” section at the end.

The audiobook companion Reference PDF will be located on the book’s page when it is completed. 

The Phenomena Gallery has only select images from the book plus supplemental materials (additional photos, Mayan Birth Chart, Dragon Dictate PDF, Videos, etc.)


Self-publishing is great for many reasons . . . but it ain’t for sissies! You can read about self-publishing online, as it is here to stay and a great way for talented creators to get their content produced and made available to the masses globally.

The delay in releasing this book in all formats is based on my ethos of not putting something out that is below acceptable standards. The print paperback and hardcover versions delay is due to a couple of production issues I encountered with the quality of the photos and the weight of the paper stock.

As the paperback and hardcover are print-on-demand, they are only created when you order them. So, they are truly quantumly entangled with you in a unique way, as the book you get was printed specifically for you.

Without going into all the details, I’ll just show you a few examples of the quality of the initial proof copy of the less expensive “standard color.” Below are screenshots from Amazon’s KDP site showing the details of standard and premium color versions.

The quality of the KDP/Amazon standard color was unacceptable to me, so the book is only offered in premium color on heavier stock paper on Amazon. A 532-page book with over 300 images costs more than the typical black and white book. I’ve also included screenshots to show you why color matters, so this book will not be produced in black and white due to the details in the photos.

This compendium is three books in one and worth every penny. I don’t know about you, but if I spent my hard-earned money on a book and got one with photos like the “standard color” samples below, I’d be mad as hell. I decided to print it as the best quality available, even if it does cost a little more because it is worth it.

After much due diligence, I found that’s “standard color” on the 50 lb. paper was high enough quality that I felt okay with offering this as a less expensive print version. I included a couple of photos below to show the difference in the thickness of the books. It has the 50 lb with the 70 lb paper versions. Plus, we have the Phenomena gallery to see photos in greater detail.

Below is a gallery with comparisons of the print version and the various ebook versions (on a phone, tablet, and Kindle E-reader) to show the different fonts and layouts as well as total page number.

Ebooks have advantages, such as being easy to transport as the printed paperback is almost two pounds!

The print versions are formatted with unique fonts that fit the book’s overall theme and aesthetic, the photos are larger, and printed books have a different energy signature than electronic ones. You can put a book under your pillow, on your altar, use it in ceremony . . . and if I sign it, that adds another degree of consciousness energy to it.

They both have their benefits. I’d recommend getting the ebook and a printed copy – either paperback or hardcover.

The photos are much smaller in the ebook. You can click on the thumbnail, and it will open up to a larger version. The ebook layout differs from the print, as shown in the screenshots below.

I hope that sharing some insights will help you understand some of what went into the making of this book over several years, covering a lifetime of experiences as a Dream Master in my never-ending quest and life of spiritual service.

Be sure to go to the Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet page for links to purchase, read blurbs, and connect on social media. All the links for my personal, The Dream Masters, and the book are on the Connect page. You can read just some of the praise received on the Praise page

Visit the Phenomena Gallery, as it has additional photos and materials.

Thank you all for all your love and support on this journey and global movement to encourage everyone to come out of the Metaphysical Closet in these unprecedented times.

Truly in love, humble service, and always the Light, Lisa Rhyne

Thought you might find this as amusing as I did. When I purchased a package of 10 ISBNs from Bowker, they generate the numbers so it is completely random. Their system generated 10 ISBNs and the numbers of the first three ISBNs are very…interesting.

Note, I’m not educated in numerology but have heard these numbers have “mystical” meanings. I think it is fascinating that the last 3 digits of the paperback are my birth month and day (January 17) and the publication date): 1-1-7 and the last 3 of the hardcover is also the publication date: 1-2-4 – January 2024.

This is the kind of synchronicity that’s a regular part of my world!

Ebook: 979-8-9893341-0-0
Paperback: 979-8-9893341-1-7
Hardcover: 979-8-9893341-2-4

Below are screenshots from Amazon’s KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color to show why I chose to publish this book with the best possible quality photos.

Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.
Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.
photo of 2 hardcover books showing the difference in thickness of 50 lb vs. 70 lb paper.
Hardcover - 70 lb vs. 50 lb Paper Stock
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.

Screenshots below from the first proof copy from Amazon that is “standard” color on the thinner paper stock. There are printing anomalies like bands of incorrect color throughout the entire book. Below are photos from the proof copy with the original photo below to show the difference.

Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.
Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.

Screenshots below are comparing the print manuscript version with the various ebook versions. There are also color vs. black and white to show why this book will not be offered in a black and white version. 

"Journey of a Dream Master" by Lisa Rhyne book cover


UPDATE – September 21, 2023:
I pulled all versions of this book from publication in 2021 and have combined all three books into one. This first little book is a now limited edition collector’s item.  I’m working with a great team to publish the new book to be released on my birthday, January 17, 2024. Stay tuned for updates! Please follow over on our Instagram and Facebook. Thanks ~ Lisa

On the 5th anniversary of the publishing JDM, I want to share “the story behind the story” of “Journey of a Dream Master”. I felt compelled to do this because I didn’t want to die with my stories still in me. I ended up self-publishing because every publisher and editor I spoke with couldn’t believe all the stories and wanted me to heavily edit all the “crazy supernatural stuff” out. These are TRUE stories! So, I published it myself rather than try to make others comfortable. Their limitations are not my concern.

The horrible traumatic brain injury and stroke (and years of subsequent heavy doses of pain medications) made me severely dyslexic. I suffered whiteouts and “word salad” episodes that have now lessened. The dyslexia is still present but significantly reduced. I continuously work on my healing.

The fact that I survived, wrote, edited, and published this book all by myself is a miracle. I felt pushed to get it out on that birthday because, quite frankly, at the time, I thought I was going to die soon, and I wanted to leave some record of a few of my life experiences. I’m grateful to all those who bought, read and gave me such positive reviews and feedback.

The Story Behind “Journey of a Dream Master: The Dream Masters Book 1”


It has been five years since I wrote/edited/self-published my book, “Journey of a Dream Master: The Dream Masters – Book 1.” I want to share some of my thoughts and insights about this journey, as most have no idea about any of what follows because it has never been publicly revealed until now. Certain family, friends, and peers know, but I wanted to share it here with anyone else that may be interested.

As those who know me will attest, I tend never to ask for help and feel “the show must go on,” so I struggle and persevere in silence so as not to burden anyone. I went from being labeled by medical “experts” as “permanently disabled” to writing, editing, and publishing my first book in 2016. Not too shabby!

There is an excellent reason for the way my book was written – including the errors. The traumatic brain injury and stroke (resulting in crippling migraines and massive doses of heavy medications – including Dilaudid), is reflected in the official trial deposition taken in late 2013 reflects what my life had become as it was incoherent (word salad), full of unfinished sentences, blanks, and complete whiteouts where I lost my train of thought and couldn’t talk or think straight (my brain was severely scrambled & heavily drugged).

Between October 2008 and 2014, I spent most of my time in bed, hospitals, emergency rooms, and doctor’s offices, as well as a lot of time working with my traditional Shamans and “healer” friends worldwide. I couldn’t always work a regular job, drive, or even do many basic things I used to take for granted. Sometimes, I couldn’t finish basic sentences, let alone compose stories for a book. I still struggle, and my words are jumbled sometimes (so you may see typos on this website!). But I pushed on, wrote when I could, and have healed far beyond all their expectations. (As you know from my book, I genuinely love proving the White Coats wrong!)

So, today, while reflecting on all this, I thought I’d share some background as well as my top three reasons for writing this trilogy:


Humans have always been storytellers, and I’m no exception. Stories transport, teach, entertain, and transform us in many ways on many levels. I love great stories! I am and always have been a storyteller who enjoys sharing stories with all who are interested.



I set out to write authentically about my life, truths, and experiences and pose some random questions and ideas. The few editors and publishers I initially consulted and shared some of my content with wanted me to change vital elements and delete certain stories because of their B.S. (Belief Systems). They’re uninitiated in the supernatural/metaphysical/mystical/paranormal / whatever you want to call it. They couldn’t understand or accept certain things. I don’t judge them as they’re on their own journeys. I’m on my “Journey of a Dream Master,” and they’re on their “Journey of an Editor (or whatever)”. I was unwilling to lie, downplay my life, or sacrifice my integrity because of someone else’s limited beliefs and inexperience. I would write it my way or not at all – perfect spelling and grammar be damned! Finished is better than perfect. So that is precisely what I did.



I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I did not believe ANYONE would ever buy or read my book. Seriously, why in the world would anyone care about me and my experiences? I wrote it only to prove I could and leave some sort of record of my little life. Then, I made it available in case anyone else wanted or needed to read what’s in it. All the wonderful reviews, fan photos, interviews, and private messages have just been…far beyond words. It has been surprising, utterly amazing, humbling, and highly gratifying. Thank you all for your love and support.


Several “medical experts/specialists” mutually agreed (after a tremendously staggering amount of due diligence over a few years in a lawsuit) that I would be permanently disabled and never be able to do work as a paralegal or creative writer ever again. (Which is the same as telling me I can’t do something…which, of course, means I’m gonna do it.)
As a point of interest, I wanted to share just a few bits from one of those many doctors involved with my care after the accident. He and all the other doctors came to the same final conclusion at the end. Below is a small portion of his 79-page deposition. There is a lot more, but this is enough to give you some small idea of what I went (and still am going) through and how far I’ve come.

Q. Can you review for the jury what your exam consisted of and what your findings were.

A. Well, I noted that her blood pressure was 218 over 134 on that day, which is quite high. Her highest recorded blood pressure (on more than one occasion) was 229 over 196.

She had suffered a closed head injury followed by the development of post traumatic migraine which became severe, frequent, and disabling.

She also developed hypertensive urgency from autonomic dysfunction I felt resulting from her head trauma. And I thought this was the result of dysregulation of her bilateral orbital frontal cortex which is an area which promotes parasympathetic activity and inhibits sympathetic activity. This dysregulation causes a cortically provoked release of adrenomedullary catecholamines, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

What that essentially means is that there’s an area of the brain that I felt sustained trauma, and it’s called the orbital frontal cortex. It was a sufficient enough blow to cause a malfunction of that region of the brain. And it has dual action, that orbital frontal cortex; it promotes parasympathetic activity which tends to slow the heart rate and lower the blood pressure and inhibits sympathetic activity. And sympathetic activity, if you don’t inhibit it, causes an increased release of catecholamines which are substances like epinephrine and norepinephrine released by the adrenal gland, and causing surges in blood pressure.

The American Medical Association committee person has a certain percentage impairment rating, it’s based on certain criteria that are listed in the AMA Guides For Permanent Impairment.

And the one that we use now is the AMA Guides To Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition, which has been in use since January of 2008.

I felt that she had the maximum. Her headaches were so frequent, so disabling that she qualified for the maximum allowable impairment by the AMA Guides, Sixth Edition, for migraine headache which would have been 5 percent.

Q. Her diagnosis that you’ve made definitively is that she has migraines; right?

A. She does have migraines, yes. Migraines that are disabling. And it’s not just me. You know, Dr. #9 [NOTE: there were 12 doctors/specialists and they were simply numbered #1-12] had seen her as well, and he prepared a report, and found that her pain disability questionnaire score was 113 which places her, based on the AMA Guides To Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition, placed her in the severe impairment due to migraine.

Q. I understand that you believe she may qualify for an additional impairment as well?

A. I do.

Q. Will Ms. Rhyne require future medical treatment as a result of the injuries she received?

A. Yes, she will – for the rest of her life.

Q. Do you believe that Ms. Rhyne has limitations related to her job as a result of the migraines?

A. Yes. Whenever she experiences a disabling migraine, she’s unable to function that day. In my medical and expert opinion, she is permanently disabled as a result of the accident and will, in all likelihood, never be able to resume working in her area of expertise which, to my understanding, is as a paralegal and creative writer.

I became friends with my cardiologist. Interestingly, after the lawsuit was completed (which I won!), on my last visit with him, I thanked him for all his help, smiled, looked him square in the eye, and told him in no uncertain terms, “Thank you for all you’ve done for me. I appreciate your help and expert opinion submitted in the case…but you do not know me, and I will be just fine.” He took that in, and after seeing how congruent I was with what I’d just said, there was a long pause, then he smiled and said, “I believe you!”

I think he believed me because I was congruent with what I was saying, and, earlier during my final evaluation, he’d compared all the tests, scans, images, etc., that he had personally performed from start to finish.

As he reviewed everything, a bit astonished, he said my heart had become more than double the standard size throughout the treatments from 2008-2014 (due to the extremely high blood pressure basically building up that muscle – it went from normal to being like an Arnold Schwarzenegger of hearts).

He said that hearts “do not return to normal without some signs/scars of the trauma,” but mine had not only returned to “normal,” but there was no indication whatsoever of any trauma. He was completely baffled and said that if he hadn’t done all the tests himself and kept his records there at his office, he would swear someone had switched the results because they looked like results for two completely different people. As soon as I published my book, I made sure he knew so he could see what other “impossible” things I like to play with.

Geeze, this almost turned into a book rather than a brief birthday post! I just wanted to share the importance and significance of what my little book means in my continuing Journey of a Dream Master. Thank you so much for all the love. Thank you for buying, reading, reviewing my book, and sharing your photos and stories.
I’m looking forward to publishing and producing more of my projects and getting out more and seeing you soon!!

In Humble Service, Love & Light, Lisa

lisa rhyne

Founder of The Dream Masters

Stacks of "Journey of a Dream Master" books.

This story is one of my favorite supernatural short stories. (I also refer to it when people ask me why I’m single.) It first appeared in my book, Journey of a Dream Master, and I’ve re-edited it to share here.

I believe everyone has something deep inside that desperately wants “magic” to be “real.” Yet, when something genuinely magical happens, most reject it. At some point, they’ll deny what happened because it is simply too far outside their reality construct, making it impossible to process and accept. Or, if they’re fortunate, their boundaries expand, and they are transformed forever.

Think about it. Either magic is real, or it isn’t. Period. It is not conditional (i.e., only at midnight during a full moon if you’re wearing a black pointy hat, using potions and crystals while facing East deep in the woods, etc.).

If other people are experiencing the magic and you are not, then that is something to ponder. I strongly encourage you not to dismiss something simply because you have never personally and consciously experienced anything like it or like this story.

Personally, I wish everyone could experience the mystical and magical. But that is not in everyone’s belief system/model of the world or their to-do list. Hey, live and let live! That’s what makes life interesting.
I hope you enjoy this supernatural short story – whether you believe it or not! ~ Lisa Rhyne



The following story is one of my favorite living in the matrix supernatural short stories. (I also refer to it when people ask me why I’m single.)

It was a bad day for long hair and lip gloss. The wild Georgia winds pulled and whipped my long, flowing red hair, causing it to dance around me like a demented demon on fire. My bright cherry red lip gloss became an inkwell for each strand dragged across my juicy lips painting my alabaster skin with sticky sweet crimson streaks. Anyone walking by might’ve imagined a stark raving mad invisible artist frantically creating a mystical treasure map in blood on my face. What a sight!

My face, neck, chest, and arms welcomed every sweet stroke of my voluminous hair flying in all directions. Wild hair yanking plus hot wind caressing the body is quite affecting and enchanting. One minute I’m wet from the oppressive sweltering humidity; the next, I’m invigorated and shivering from the air blasting my skin.

My body was weary, and my eyes bleary from driving for ten hours straight, so I was in an altered, expanded state of awareness. That easily happens due to the hypnotic nature of driving for long periods. Both driving and being in nature are always very hypnotic and therapeutic. Every blink, breath, and movement now registered on a deeper level, enhanced my trance, and put me firmly outside of time.

I stood in that small motel parking lot, gazing towards the entire property’s tree line. Clouds dreamily drift by as the slow setting sun created a surreal swirling canvas of vibrant otherworldly colors. I understand why humans have always considered dusk and dawn magical times when the veils between worlds seem to disappear and make anything impossible. What a lovely end to a long yet mostly uneventful day thus far.

With the sun now gone, a delicious soul-level peace washed over me, for which I was genuinely grateful. It was time to go inside and get ready for my date. Looking in the mirror, I dissolved into laughter, admiring nature’s abstract artwork all over my face and upper body. Wow! A quick shower was absolutely required.

I’d come down to Macon, Georgia, to rendezvous with a potential new serious boyfriend. Unbeknownst to him, this little vacation would confirm whether he was worthy of me and capable of being in a relationship with someone metaphysical like me. Walking between worlds ain’t for sissies. Every man (secretly or not so secretly) wants a redhead until he gets one. Myths and legends have paved the way for our much-deserved wild reputation. And while we redheads are a handful in many ways, I possess additional traits and qualities that make me rather unique and unpredictable.

This fellow had no idea who and what I truly am or, more importantly, what I’m capable of. Although I already knew he wasn’t “The One,” I thought seeing what he’s made of might be fun for a little while. Neither of us could’ve ever dreamed what would transpire during this little weekend vacation getaway.

They gave us a room on the ground floor at the front of the building by the main parking lot near the motel restaurant/bar entrance. This location is essential because when the bar closed at around three o’clock in the morning, a group of very boisterous barflies exited that bar only to stop on the sidewalk right outside our room in front of our big picture window.

Exhausted from the long day’s events, I was sleeping like a dead man until I was startled awake by this swarm of barflies. Not to be confused with fireflies, barflies are the local drunks first in and last out of the bar every night. They aren’t the upscale elite who spend $600 on single-shot types. They come to drink all night, party hard and hook up. And just like an ornery housefly you can’t seem to shoo out of your house quickly, they buzz around at closing time in a desperate attempt to keep the party going.

I was sleeping near the window on my right while he was on my left, next to the bathroom. I glanced over and fixed my gaze on the window to see five silhouettes (so I believe there were only five women, even though they easily made enough noise for a baker’s dozen). Their high heels clonked like Clydesdales on the sidewalk as they stumbled into each other, laughing, singing, and chattering away as happy drunks do. These gals were in full party mode and oblivious to everything else.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m all for having fun. But after about 15 minutes of this relentless and thoughtless commotion, it seemed they would not leave any time soon. My redheaded temper fired up, and I felt that familiar rage growing in my belly. Extremely agitated, I glanced over at my fella, who was also wide awake, and I growled, “They’ve got about sixty seconds to shut up and move on…or else!”

The unsettling, fierce look in my eye and the ferociousness in my voice made him understandably nervous. Not yet knowing me very well, he feared I was actually going to go out there and confront these obnoxious drunk chicks (probably resulting in an all-out girls gone wild fisticuffs). Cautiously, he tried to calm me down by assuring me they’d soon move on, and he timidly asked me to please stay inside.

Getting out of bed and going outside to deal with them was certainly not what I meant — oh, not by a long shot!

After what seemed like a long time but was probably only a few minutes, they were still lollygagging right in front of our window. Lying on my back, staring at that ugly off-white popcorn ceiling while listening to these thoughtless broads, I firmly proclaimed for God and anybody else to hear, “That’s it!” I’d hit fuck it, and I’d hit it hard. (And everyone knows when I hit ‘fuck it,’ fireworks follow.) I decided to take matters firmly into my own hands (so to speak), and that’s when things got…really weird.

I threw the covers off my torso to free my arms in one dramatic sweeping motion. I raised both hands in front of my chest as I scanned the air for what I was searching for. I then held my left hand in place while gracefully gliding my right hand through the air until it stopped.

To anyone watching without understanding what’s actually happening, this looks like I’m simply staring unfocused off into space while gently waving my hands in the air as if I’m in a trance, slowly swimming underwater or cautiously feeling in the dark for something to touch like when you are searching for the light switch in a dark room.

My intention was set, and I felt the shift when I made the connection to what I was searching for. We were quantumly entangled, and with the slightest gesture (an almost imperceptible flick of my right hand), I connected the two zero points and collapsed the wave. A quantum shift in my version of reality happened far too fast to register consciously in real-time.

Mind you, physical gestures and talking aren’t necessary. In fact, talking and gesturing actually slow down and can ultimately hinder my process. Looking back, I guess it was more for his benefit. He’d heard what I said and had been closely monitoring the girls at the window while watching me. He saw my minuscule hand gesture and eventually linked it to the subsequent consequences.

“There! Bye-Bye, Barfly!” I giddily proclaimed as I knew my process was complete. Wow, that was breathtaking! Instantaneous silence. We both looked to the window straining to see or hear anything, and there were no more shadows on the window. Nothing. A whole lot of nothing.

After a few seconds of this deafening silence, he urgently asked, “What just happened?!” Quite pleased — yet a wee bit surprised — with myself, I jubilantly exclaimed, “They are gone! Bye-Bye, Barfly!”

He threw off the covers, leaped out of bed, ran to the window, and pulled back the curtains searching for those people. I again proclaimed, “They’re gone!” He then opened the door to get a better view of the entire parking lot and surrounding area. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the door frame to hold himself up. He didn’t know what to think or do next.

After several minutes he cautiously looked over his shoulder at me with a wide-eyed, shocked expression and softly shouted, “There’s no one out there! They’re gone! There are no cars driving away, nothing! It’s completely dead out there.” I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat and said, “Yep! I know! I believe I already said that. THEY. ARE. G-O-N-E!”

After several minutes of frantic, strained searching of the entire area for any signs of life, he reluctantly closed the door and slowly walked back inside. He sat on the edge of his side of the bed, shaking his head in shock and disbelief. He repeatedly asked what had just happened.

Knowing he wouldn’t stop until he better grasped the situation (because I knew he would never fully understand, but I needed to tell him something), I searched for the best way to explain it. Now wide awake because of the adrenaline rush (and still quite tickled with myself), I sat up in bed and said, “Look, I’m going to make this as simple as possible. I had a desired outcome, set my intention, and without trying to control the outcome, I became quantumly entangled with the Field as I commanded my intended outcome to manifest.

The wave collapsed when I found the right point, connected, and it was complete. My intention manifested. This brings us to what just happened, which is one of two things:

I sent them into a parallel universe where we aren’t.
Or, I sent us to a parallel universe where they aren’t.

As I observed his body language and watched his surrounding energy field, I could tell he was freaked out and struggling to comprehend and entirely accept all this. He sat in complete silence, trying to make sense of what I’d just said as well as somehow understand what had just happened not only to those people outside our window but what had also just happened to him in that bed right beside me as he’d been watching the entire scene the entire time.

I got up to go to the bathroom and some water, leaving him with his thoughts as I knew he was too shaken up to sleep. When I returned, he was still sitting there. Placing a cold bottle of water on his bedside table, I climbed back under the covers. He thanked me as he slowly sipped at the water. After a long contemplative period, he timidly asked me to explain just once more. He apologized for not understanding, and I assured him I completely understood.

My adrenaline rush was over, and basking in this dénouement, I was crashing fast because it had been a long day. I was exhausted and needed to sleep, but I knew sleep would not come if I didn’t deal with him. I formulated then posed a series of rapid-fire questions to help him rule out “common sense” possibilities or conclusions most people would automatically jump to but, in fact, did not happen.

Did you hear any footsteps as they walked away in those crazy loud, clunky shoes?

Did you hear them call anyone to pick them up?

Did you hear any car keys jingling?

Did you hear car alarms beeping, car doors open or close, engines start, or cars pull up or drive away?

Did you hear a motel room door open or close like they entered a motel room?

How does it go from a loud crowd casting shadows on the window to no shadows and complete silence quicker than a split second – in a time that’s too short for anyone to move an inch, let alone walk or drive away?

How do you explain no footsteps, car noises, doors opening or closing, no calls, no keys jingling, no engines starting, and no cars driving up or away?

Can I prove they were zapped into a parallel universe?

Can you prove they weren’t?

Can I prove we were zapped into a parallel universe?

Can you prove we weren’t?

The bottom line, it went from loud to silent in half a heartbeat, and the silhouettes on the window instantly disappeared because they are no longer here. They are gone!

His knee-jerk reaction was wondering how I could be so calm and cavalier about what had just happened. Almost in tears, he asked, “How can you be so glib about killing those people?! How are you not totally freaked out right now?!”

Firstly, I assured him that no one had been killed. They are not here. They are somewhere or somewhen else – call it a parallel dimension. They are just as alive as we are; now, we are simply in different places. Secondly, I explained that there was no way I could fully explain what just happened at four o’clock in the damn morning.

“Look, I use my “paranormal” abilities all the time, so they are simply “normal” to me in my everyday life. I don’t “believe” in magic because I know and live in a reality where things you call magic, miracles, and all things supernatural are the rule rather than the exception. I’m in a constant state of awe, reverence, joy, curiosity, love, and enthusiasm with regard to all things metaphysical. And I live my life accordingly. We can get more into all this after breakfast because I’m going to sleep now.”

After several awkward moments of pregnant silence, he finally mustered up the courage to ask me what he actually wanted to know. He timidly squeaked out, “You won’t do that to me, will you?”

Ah, now we’ve gotten to the crux of it! I did my best to contain myself and not belly laugh because I understood he was quite distressed and bewildered. Contemplating all the freaky things I could say that might mess with him, I took a beat to find the right words to make my point and, more importantly, end this line of questioning at this ridiculous hour.

I wanted to be nice. However, given this evening’s monumentally victorious real-time quantum manipulation of reality involving at least seven people, I felt even more sassy than usual. I dramatically looked him straight in the eye, grinned my wickedest grin, paused for effect, then slowly purred, “Not if you behave! {wink} Goodnight!”

Like an electrocuted jackrabbit, he hopped off the side of the bed and into a chair across the room. There was an incredibly long pause as we silently stared at each other sizing up this situation. Poor thing! He didn’t know whether to shit or go blind as he sat there trying hard to wrap his befuddled brain around all that had just transpired. He was also trying to decide if he should grab his suitcase and bolt out the door, never to look back or stay there with me. Meanwhile, I was having a blast playing in the matrix as well as having a little fun at his expense.

I wished him good night and rolled over to go back to sleep. He eventually (and cautiously) climbed back into bed, pulled the covers up under his chin, and when last I looked at him, he was staring wide-eyed at that ugly ceiling. The combination of excitement, shock, curiosity, and full-blown heebie-jeebies kept him from getting any more sleep that night.

I shook his world in more ways than one with this undeniable, quantumly entangled paradigm-shifting experience, a reality game changer. As you may have guessed, this budding romance did not last. And in case you’re curious, I did not zap him into a parallel universe; we simply went our separate ways. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!


Oh, did I mention this is a true story?

©Lisa Rhyne, all rights reserved.

Michael Strevens


Mark Zuckerberg announced on October 28, 2021, the changing of his Facebook company’s name from Facebook to…META. Facebook changed its company name to Meta to distance itself from mounting scandals: Zuckerberg layed out new ‘metaverse’ vision at a recent developers event.

Changing the name of the company doesn’t change the actions, policies and deception committed by that company. And someone like him using this universal term “meta” now does a lot of things on countless levels.

META is becoming more and more into the collective consciousness of the entire planet. Even “low vibers” are resonating with “meta”/”metaphysics”.

All my life I’ve tracked and operated unusually with time in my own way and most of the time I’m “out of synch” with the so called reality/times. Sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes years for something to catch up, synch then manifest into the world just as my visions revealed.

I’ve been using “metaphysical” and “meta” for years now. I don’t like labels and especially the useless and most derogatory current “woo woo” ones. I’ve never referred to myself as a “psychic” although I fully demonstrate those inferred abilities daily. I started referring to myself as a “Meta” many many years ago because it easily encapsulates all of who and what I am.

So who knows…perhaps my creating all these Meta products, companies, brands has just been me manifesting things outside of time and now everything is showing up in this version of the Metaverse. 

“As a “Meta” I am fully out of the Metaphysical Closet and working to disseminate true and accurate information of the wide variety of metaphysical aspects. I diligently work and speak up for people like me so that we may all come out of the “Metaphysical Closet” to live, work and thrive in the Light.”


Meta & Founder of The Dream Masters, META-CON and various other entities


Below is a list of my various brands, phrases, products and companies that have always included “meta” in some form.



Because of all my experiences, and call to be of service to humanity, know discrimination firsthand. All those who are like me are still broadly discriminated against and thus are still in hiding in “The Metaphysical Closet” (a phrase that came to me as a child because I knew I needed to keep my abilities hidden away in the metaphysical closet). I publically coined this phrase decades ago that people are starting to wake up to and use more and more because this movement is manifesting.  I’ve written online and even wrote about it in my book, JOURNEY OF A DREAM MASTER, that I published in 2016.

It is where most people with supernatural, magical, paranormal, extraordinary abilities, energy healers, psychics, mediums, etc. still reside due to the still prevalent witch hunts and discrimination against us.



I founded META-CON many years ago and own that trademark. This has been put on hold due to the pandemic. It will be an annual live expo, (along with Websites, Apps, etc.)

META-CON, is an annual live and virtual/augmented reality convention featuring the greatest living masters of metaphysics, Shamanism and ancient knowledge along with entertainment entities and storytellers creating evolved entertainment all focused on expanding and uplifting global consciousness.



This company is an exclusive company that provides an online dating website, apps and live events specifically for people interested in metaphysical, supernatural, paranormal, fringe science, alternative healing, Shamans, medicine people, etc.



I also coined the phrase “Meta-Movement” used to describe how people with metaphysical abilities are stepping into their power and into the light to live authentically out of the metaphorical metaphysical closet. 



Metaphysical Meditations – Sequential series of highly specialized guided meditations that incorporate unique specific hypnotic and NLP language, various light to deep trance techniques, visuals and specifically scientifically engineered music combined with various AR/VR mixed reality.


Michael Talbot


(AND why it is a must-read)

Michael Talbot

Michael Coleman Talbot

(September 29, 1953 – May 27, 1992)

Throughout his life, Michael Talbot experienced psychic, paranormal events and this helped shape his destiny and writings.

As a boy, he was the subject (and possibly the source) of a poltergeist haunting that performed such “miracles” as raining gravel from the sky and throwing furniture around the house, even causing small wounds to appear on Talbot’s arms and legs.

In Beyond the Quantum, Michael Talbot hypothesized how interior experience manifests in the outside world. He thought one of his major contributions to the understanding of paranormal, fringe phenomena was the notion of psychoid reality, a state of being between physical and mental and influenceable by both.

In several books, including Mysticism and the New Physics as well as one specifically called The Holographic Universe, Talbot gave a highly developed exposition of the notions of the holographic model and of morphogenetic fields.

Michael Talbot died in 1992 from Leukemia at the age of 39. Seems to me that he entered this world, simply did what he came here to do and then left. Still, I along with many others feel he was gone far too soon and we can only dream of what further insights he could’ve contributed to mankind. 

Fortunately, you can still purchase his books online (i.e. Amazon) and find them in libraries.

“The Holographic Universe” is one of the most important books ever written and is a must-read for anyone interested in evolving beyond outdated paradigms. 

Strong statement? Read it and see why I say this. I’m fairly certain you’ll wholeheartedly agree. This wonderful man also wrote some other truy inspiring and thought provoking works which I also highly recommend in addition to The Holographic Universe (pictured are 2 of the various covers this book has had over the years). 

In addition to his books, I found an early article written by Michael on the topic of the holographic universe. Interestingly, this has also shown up on the internet as “author unknown” and is somewhat difficult to find so I’ve shared it below because there are some fascinating revelations and thoughts on this topic.

Once you read Talbot’s books…your life will never be the same. Your understanding and beliefs about what is “real” and what is possible will evolve by leaps and bounds.



The Universe as a Hologram
by Michael Talbot

Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm?

Michael Talbot

In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect’s name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science.

Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein’s long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect’s findings.

But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations. University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect’s findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. 
To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film. When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.

The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose. Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.

The “whole in every part” nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts. A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes.

This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect’s discovery. Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.

To enable people to better visualize what he means, Bohm offers the following illustration. Imagine an aquarium containing a fish. Imagine also that you are unable to see the aquarium directly and your knowledge about it and what it contains comes from two television cameras, one directed at the aquarium’s front and the other directed at its side. As you stare at the two television monitors, you might assume that the fish on each of the screens are separate entities. After all, because the cameras are set at different angles, each of the images will be slightly different. But as you continue to watch the two fish, you will eventually become aware that there is a certain relationship between them. When one turns, the other also makes a slightly different but corresponding turn; when one faces the front, the other always faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of the full scope of the situation, you might even conclude that the fish must be instantaneously communicating with one another, but this is clearly not the case.

This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on between the subatomic particles in Aspect’s experiment. According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we view objects such as subatomic particles as separate from one another because we are seeing only a portion of their reality. Such particles are not separate “parts”, but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previously mentioned rose. And since everything in physical reality is composed of these “eidolons,” the universe is itself a projection, a hologram.

In addition to its phantom-like nature, such a universe would possess other rather startling features. If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected.The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are connected to the subatomic particles that comprise every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shimmers in the sky. Everything interpenetrates everything, and although human nature may seek to categorize and pigeonhole and subdivide, the various phenomena of the universe, all apportionments are of necessity artificial and all of nature is ultimately a seamless web.

In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space, like the images of the fish on the TV monitors, would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order. At its deeper level reality is a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach into the superholographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past.

What else the superhologram contains is an open-ended question. Allowing, for the sake of argument, that the superhologram is the matrix that has given birth to everything in our universe, at the very least it contains every subatomic particle that has been or will be — every configuration of matter and energy that is possible, from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to gamma rays. It must be seen as a sort of cosmic storehouse of “All That Is.”

Although Bohm concedes that we have no way of knowing what else might lie hidden in the superhologram, he does venture to say that we have no reason to assume it does not contain more. Or as he puts it, perhaps the superholographic level of reality is a “mere stage” beyond which lies “an infinity of further development”.

Bohm is not the only researcher who has found evidence that the universe is a hologram. Working independently in the field of brain research, Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram has also become persuaded of the holographic nature of reality. Pribram was drawn to the holographic model by the puzzle of how and where memories are stored in the brain. For decades numerous studies have shown that rather than being confined to a specific location, memories are dispersed throughout the brain.

In a series of landmark experiments in the 1920s, brain scientist Karl Lashley found that no matter what portion of a rat’s brain he removed he was unable to eradicate its memory of how to perform complex tasks it had learned prior to surgery. The only problem was that no one was able to come up with a mechanism that might explain this curious “whole in every part” nature of memory storage.

Then in the 1960s Pribram encountered the concept of holography and realized he had found the explanation brain scientists had been looking for. Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a hologram.

Pribram’s theory also explains how the human brain can store so many memories in so little space. It has been estimated that the human brain has the capacity to memorize something on the order of 10 billion bits of information during the average human lifetime (or roughly the same amount of information contained in five sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica).

Similarly, it has been discovered that in addition to their other capabilities, holograms possess an astounding capacity for information storage–simply by changing the angle at which the two lasers strike a piece of photographic film, it is possible to record many different images on the same surface. It has been demonstrated that one cubic centimeter of film can hold as many as 10 billion bits of information.

Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need from the enormous store of our memories becomes more understandable if the brain functions according to holographic principles. If a friend asks you to tell him what comes to mind when he says the word “zebra,” you do not have to clumsily sort back through some gigantic and cerebral alphabetic file to arrive at an answer. Instead, associations like “striped,” “horselike,” and “animal native to Africa” all pop into your head instantly. Indeed, one of the most amazing things about the human thinking process is that every piece of information seems instantly cross-correlated with every other piece of information–another feature intrinsic to the hologram. Because every portion of a hologram is infinitely interconnected with every other portion, it is perhaps nature’s supreme example of a cross-correlated system.

The storage of memory is not the only neurophysiological puzzle that becomes more tractable in light of Pribram’s holographic model of the brain. Another is how the brain is able to translate the avalanche of frequencies it receives via the senses (light frequencies, sound frequencies, and so on) into the concrete world of our perceptions.

Encoding and decoding frequencies is precisely what a hologram does best. Just as a hologram functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to convert an apparently meaningless blur of frequencies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain also comprises a lens and uses holographic principles to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives through the senses into the inner world of our perceptions.

An impressive body of evidence suggests that the brain uses holographic principles to perform its operations. Pribram’s theory, in fact, has gained increasing support among neurophysiologists.

Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zuccarelli recently extended the holographic model into the world of acoustic phenomena. Puzzled by the fact that humans can locate the source of sounds without moving their heads, even if they only possess hearing in one ear, Zuccarelli discovered that holographic principles can explain this ability. Zuccarelli has also developed the technology of holophonic sound, a recording technique able to reproduce acoustic situations with an almost uncanny realism.

Pribram’s belief that our brains mathematically construct “hard” reality by relying on input from a frequency domain has also received a good deal of experimental support. It has been found that each of our senses is sensitive to a much broader range of frequencies than was previously suspected. Researchers have discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound frequencies, that our sense of smell is in part dependent on what are now called “osmic frequencies,” and that even the cells in our bodies are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. Such findings suggest that it is only in the holographic domain of consciousness that such frequencies are sorted out and divided up into conventional perceptions.

But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram’s holographic model of the brain is what happens when it is put together with Bohm’s theory. For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is “there” is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality? Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion.

We are really “receivers” floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram.

This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram’s views, has come to be called the holographic paradigm, and although many scientists have greeted it with skepticism, it has galvanized others. A small but growing group of researchers believe it may be the most accurate model of reality science has arrived at thus far. More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature. Numerous researchers, including Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm.

In a universe in which individual brains are actually indivisible portions of the greater hologram and everything is infinitely interconnected, telepathy may merely be the accessing of the holographic level.

It is obviously much easier to understand how information can travel from the mind of individual ‘A’ to that of individual ‘B’ at a far distance point and helps to understand a number of unsolved puzzles in psychology.

In particular, Stanislav Grof feels the holographic paradigm offers a model for understanding many of the baffling phenomena experienced by individuals during altered states of consciousness. In the 1950s, while conducting research into the beliefs of LSD as a psychotherapeutic tool, Grof had one female patient who suddenly became convinced she had assumed the identity of a female of a species of prehistoric reptile. During the course of her hallucination, she not only gave a richly detailed description of what it felt like to be encapsuled in such a form, but noted that the portion of the male of the species’s anatomy was a patch of colored scales on the side of its head. What was startling to Grof was that although the woman had no prior knowledge about such things, a conversation with a zoologist later confirmed that in certain species of reptiles colored areas on the head do indeed play an important role as triggers of sexual arousal. The woman’s experience was not unique. During the course of his research, Grof encountered examples of patients regressing and identifying with virtually every species on the evolutionary tree (research findings which helped influence the man-into-ape scene in the movie Altered States). Moreover, he found that such experiences frequently contained obscure zoological details which turned out to be accurate.

Regressions into the animal kingdom were not the only puzzling psychological phenomena Grof encountered. He also had patients who appeared to tap into some sort of collective or racial unconscious. Individuals with little or no education suddenly gave detailed descriptions of Zoroastrian funerary practices and scenes from Hindu mythology. In other categories of experience, individuals gave persuasive accounts of out-of-body journeys, of precognitive glimpses of the future, of regressions into apparent past-life incarnations.

In later research, Grof found the same range of phenomena manifested in therapy sessions which did not involve the use of drugs. Because the common element in such experiences appeared to be the transcending of an individual’s consciousness beyond the usual boundaries of ego and/or limitations of space and time, Grof called such manifestations “transpersonal experiences”, and in the late ’60s he helped found a branch of psychology called “transpersonal psychology” devoted entirely to their study.

Although Grof’s newly founded Association of Transpersonal Psychology garnered a rapidly growing group of like-minded professionals and has become a respected branch of psychology, for years neither Grof or any of his colleagues were able to offer a mechanism for explaining the bizarre psychological phenomena they were witnessing. But that has changed with the advent of the holographic paradigm.

As Grof recently noted, if the mind is actually part of a continuum, a labyrinth that is connected not only to every other mind that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, and region in the vastness of space and time itself, the fact that it is able to occasionally make forays into the labyrinth and have transpersonal experiences no longer seems so strange.

The holographic paradigm also has implications for so-called hard sciences like biology. Keith Floyd, a psychologist at Virginia Intermont College, has pointed out that if the concreteness of reality is but a holographic illusion, it would no longer be true to say the brain produces consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain — as well as the body and everything else around us we interpret as physical.

Such a turnabout in the way we view biological structures has caused researchers to point out that medicine and our understanding of the healing process could also be transformed by the holographic paradigm. If the apparent physical structure of the body is but a holographic projection of consciousness, it becomes clear that each of us is much more responsible for our health than current medical wisdom allows. What we now view as miraculous remissions of disease may actually be due to changes in consciousness which in turn affect changes in the hologram of the body.

Similarly, controversial new healing techniques such as visualization may work so well because, in the holographic domain of thought, images are ultimately as real as “reality”.

Even visions and experiences involving “non-ordinary” reality become explainable under the holographic paradigm. In his book “Gifts of Unknown Things,” biologist Lyall Watson describes his encounter with an Indonesian shaman woman who, by performing a ritual dance, was able to make an entire grove of trees instantly vanish into thin air. Watson relates that as he and another astonished onlooker continued to watch the woman, she caused the trees to reappear, then “click” off again and on again several times in succession.

Although current scientific understanding is incapable of explaining such events, experiences like this become more tenable if “hard” reality is only a holographic projection. Perhaps we agree on what is “there” or “not there” because what we call consensus reality is formulated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are infinitely interconnected. If this is true, it is the most profound implication of the holographic paradigm of all, for it means that experiences such as Watson’s are not commonplace only because we have not programmed our minds with the beliefs that would make them so. In a holographic universe there are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.

What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting for us to draw upon it any picture we want. Anything is possible, from bending spoons with the power of the mind to the phantasmagoric events experienced by Castaneda during his encounters with the Yaqui brujo don Juan, for magic is our birthright, no more or less miraculous than our ability to compute the reality we want when we are in our dreams.

Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for in a holographic universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would have to be seen as based on holographic principles and therefore determined. Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly makes sense, and everything in reality would have to be seen as a metaphor, for even the most haphazard events would express some underlying symmetry.

Whether Bohm and Pribram’s holographic paradigm becomes accepted in science or dies an ignoble death remains to be seen, but it is safe to say that it has already had an influence on the thinking of many scientists. And even if it is found that the holographic model does not provide the best explanation for the instantaneous communications that seem to be passing back and forth between subatomic particles, at the very least, as noted by Basil Hiley, a physicist at Birbeck College in London, Aspect’s findings “indicate that we must be prepared to consider radically new views of reality.”

The End.

I hope you enjoyed this and are encouraged to read (and re-read) Michael Talbot’s works. In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa Rhyne, Founder of The Dream Masters

Lisa Rhyne

Schumann Resonance



If you are interested in frequency, energy and vibration as well as how these affect everything, then I offer this post as a way of giving you something to possibly explore further and take into consideration during these strange days. 

Do you follow the Schumann Resonance tracking? If you do then you already know that the energy the last few weeks is unprecedented. We are composed of and held together by these universal frequencies. I’ve been feeling unusually alert to all this and have a knowingness that it all means something big is already happening and something even bigger is coming. My highly intuitive/sensitive friends and colleagues have been keeping in touch with me regarding this because it is in the “field” and we’re all picking up on it. I rarely speak about these things but I felt compelled to post this. We all concur that these big changes are coming sooner rather than later! Have you been feeling it as well?



Let me offer you just one example of these so called “feelings” of mine to give you some context in case you do not personally know me…

In the fall of 2019, I would comment daily to those closest to me that I had a very disturbing feeling something monumentally “bad” was fast approaching. They’d ask if I thought it was an earthquake (because we’re in Los Angeles).  I said no, it was global…and much worse and far-reaching than an earthquake. Death and darkness.

Every single night without fail, I dreamt of impending darkness, massive deaths and global catastrophic events with no specific details or timeline. Unlike usual dreams that fade with the dawn until they leave your mind completely, every day all day long I still sensed all this. It hung over me like an incalculable raging storm racing towards us. It reminded me of living in the Midwest during tornado season as a tornado arrives in your vicinity.

By December 2019, I started clearing out all my personal belongings at my Fox Plaza office at the 20th Century Fox Studios where I worked. I also started stockpiling food and other various emergency supplies. By the first of March, I told my Disney bosses I felt uncomfortable working in the office and asked if I could work from home. I then told them on Friday, March 15, 2020, that I would no longer come into the office. They said they understood and got me a laptop to work remotely. The very next week the Governor of California shut everything down. By the time the shutdown happened, I was already all set up to work safely at home with plenty of provisions.

I love clichés because they are simple, usually funny, truisms. Like these that are of the same theme:
A stitch in time saves 9.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Forewarned is forearmed.



So, getting to the topic of the Schumann Resonance detectors (in Russia and Italy which you can find more information online on your own to understand the graphs, readings, etc.). They have been registering super high frequencies as well as being knocked offline/gone dark repeatedly which is unprecedented. The live Schumann Resonance charts used here come from the Space Observation System at Tomsk Science University, located in Siberia.

Here is a simple graphic of how to understand these images. Notice they haven’t updated their system to include the yellow, orange, red+ colors or extended the graph to show anything over 40.0 hz.

This is a shot of what was happening before the Schumann Resonance graphs started going black/offline.

Schumann Resonance

This is a more recent shot showing how many hours of recording has been blacked out/not recorded (or recorded and just redacted as not revealed it to the public). So, we have no idea what happened during all that blacked out time.

Some say these blackout periods are something being perpetrated by “the evil alphabets” (i.e. dark government entities, etc.) whilst others think it is all the ultra high energy that is bombarding the planet. Hey, could be both!

Schumann Resonance

No one actually knows nor do they know the consequences of this intense energy on all living beings as well as our electronics/the grid system. Consider this: What would you do if the entire world went dark and offline without warning right now…permanently? There are more than a few Hollywood movies that try to convey what that would be like.

Schumann Resonance

Regardless of what these grids are recording or what’s being shared with the public, the incoming energy is high and highly unusual for our lifetime. It has been extraordinarily affecting me in more positive than negative ways. My body’s frequency/vibration is consistently rising, ears ringing (in perceptible tones, patterns, and rhythms) and my mind and brain is buzzing which includes thoughts/words/images/concepts that are downloading too fast to even discern at times yet some very clear). Day and night I tend to tremble and vibrate to the point my body is moving so much it wakes me out of my much needed sleep. And I’m also exhausted and can only sleep. 

Schumann Resonance

Oh, I also find it very interesting that if you study the graphs, there is a pattern (for those who can see it). What this means is beyond my ability and willingness to communicate at this time. That’s something you might want to research for yourself and possibly decipher.



As I said in my first book and always tell my clients, I do not do “psychic predictions” for a few reasons. What I am sharing here with you is simply (like quantum physics simple) another one of my “feelings” that something is happening on a massive worldwide scale and things will never be the same. The evolutionary leap is a doozie!  It could be a result of both man-made as well as beyond-man-made/Nature/Universe/whatever-you-want-to-call-it forces. (I’m not going to talk about the current global pandemic nor vaccines…but a word to the wise should be sufficient.) Whatever all of this is…it has definitely got my full attention and my curiosity in overdrive. Perhaps it is the same with you.

If you’ve been feeling unusual, it might be that you are sensing the effect of these energy fluctuations. Would love to hear your feedback on all this. Watch where your attention goes and notice what’s different. Stay safe and well out there and remember…forewarned really is forearmed. Okay. That’s all for now, my lovelies.

In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa


lisa rhyne

Founder of The Dream Masters


Now before I begin my passionate tangent about how vital it is to end global discrimination against METAs, I’ll ask that you please pardon my rambling as I know this is going to be a string of random thoughts as they arise. My brain is in overdrive and I’m quite sleep deprived. I hope you’ll consider what I’m attempting to communicate as briefly as possible – as this is a big topic which is so very dear to my heart and to millions of people worldwide. I had to post this to (hopefully) start a dialogue, get more articles and interviews done on this fascinating, far-reaching, timely and seminal topic.

Here’s the gist of this particular post: Me and my people – the METAs – are still being persecuted and quite frankly, we’re sick and tired of the vile witch hunts, prejudice and discrimination. Enough is enough! The time has come for EVERYONE to be able to come out of the metaphorical “Metaphysical Closet” and step into the Light, to be able to make a living while living our lives openly, authentically, freely and safely. 

This post is about the rampant discrimination against anyone who identifies as or has abilities labeled as: psychic, paranormal, extraordinary, magical, metaphysical, supernatural, shaman(ic), wiccan, pagan, energy healer, light worker, trance channel medium, the fields of parapsychology which includes telekinesis, the “clairs” (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairescence, clairgustance, clairambience) and on and on. You know what I’m talking about. Let’s just call them “METAs”.

I have been in the arts and entertainment industry – in one form or another – for basically my entire life! For my entire life, I have been aware of my supernatural abilities and talents, and have continuously used them as well as endlessly studied a wide variety of metaphysical areas, modalities and practices.

As most who know me know I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA, BMI and other various groups and have owned my own company, The Dream Masters, (“TDM” since 2000) and also currently work at Disney in the Legal Affairs division doing above-the-line, live action deals (my “day job” as it were). It has been an interesting life indeed and the best is yet to come.

I fall into several categories of highly discriminated against people: woman, over 29, not a size -000,…and the never-discussed yet most shunned group in every industry: the “metaphysically gifted” (“METAs”).

I came out of the “Metaphysical Closet” in 2016 and it is now part of my mission to education and advocate for “METAs” worldwide.

If it weren’t for Metas, the arts and entertainment industry wouldn’t exist. Period. Read that again. 

At this time, there’s an unprecedented movement to eliminate discrimination and hate crimes against a wide variety of groups of people based on: color, race, religion, sexual orientation/identification, LGBTQ+, etc. But still nothing significant for the METAs! 

Shockingly, the scientifically proven, absolute oldest and largest group of humans in the entire world throughout all of history (and often the greatest contributors to the arts and entertainment industry on all levels) are the METAs.

Yet, we are still forced to live in the metaphorical “closet” because of who and what we are – how we were born as well as our choices on how to live (and make the world a better place for all). METAs are still forced to hide our innate abilities as well as valuable learned skills, unable to live safely and authentically out in the open. We constantly have to hide and lie to protect not only ourselves but our families as well as keep our jobs. 

Under current federal laws, “religion” is one protected category…unless you’re a pagan, wiccan, satanist, druid, voo doo/ hoo doo practitioner, etc. Then you’re still considered a weirdo (and possibly delusional and dangerous) and companies lie about why we don’t get the job to avoid lawsuits. But, being highly intuitive and intelligent, we METAs know why we don’t get hired. 

METAs pretty much stay in the closet so they can keep their jobs and have a good life for themselves and their families. As for the entertainment industry…the federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on age and equal pay are a joke (ask 99% of the women). Now factor in people who are METAs…there’s unprecedented discrimination. I am speaking out and standing up to this because I’m fed up with all the double-standards and hate-based discrimination born of ignorance, fear, envy and jealousy.

METAs are usually master storytellers at heart. It takes great imagination and focused intention to manifest great stories and for actors to embody characters. There is an alchemy to acting and all great movies as well as music have a metaphysical ability to transform the audience. 

The greatest storytellers all attribute an unseen force/source for their works. The greatest composers and authors all say something to the effect, “I just wrote down what I heard in my head (or in my dreams or daydreams).” THAT is the perfect example of “channeling” information from unseen dimensions/realms/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Artists see the painting/picture/sculpture in their mind’s eye and then make it here in this reality.

Writers have been quoted saying that a story that just came to them but got put on a shelf for 20 years will be vastly different when they try to get back into editing it. The village has changed, the people have all changed (grown up, got married, divorced, had kids, died, etc.) and they rewrite a lot of the original manuscript/script. The reason is so simple that it gets missed/dismissed most of the time…or the writer knows what’s going on and will never admit to it for fear of being blacklisted as a kook.

Here’s what happens: Twenty years ago, a writer achieves resonance with a person, a place…let’s say a tiny village and the people in it. Doesn’t matter how – it can happen a number of ways. The writer’s accessing another realm where this place and all its people are real. Naturally over the course of 20 years things change. When that writer returns to that old story they put away on a shelf and gets back into resonance with the village and those people…it is different. And since time is relevant…20 years here could possibly equal 1 or 100 years in that alternate reality.

There are hundreds of quotes on line talking about this phenomena. For instance:

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ” ~ Michelangelo

People hear that and say I’m being modest, but I am not a modest person, but I have to be truthful about what I’m doing and what I’m doing is channeling. ~ Morgan Freeman

You can’t sit down and write 300 compositions in a three-month period and think that you’re doing it all by yourself. Obviously, there’s something going on here. And whether you want to call it channeling or being connected to a creative force or knowing your history and knowing where you belong, that’s, you know, maybe a personal thing. ~ John Zorn

Many times, working is kind of like channeling, and I really don’t know what’s going to fall on the page. I just did this image of a fat girl and put her on a tiny mountain peak of grass that she’s walking over. It just amused me. ~ Gloria Vanderbilt

“When I am ….. completely myself, entirely alone… or during the night when I cannot sleep, it is on such occasions that my ideas flow best and most abundantly. Whence and how these ideas come I know not nor can I force them.”
― Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

You can research this type of stuff all day long on the Internet. One interesting recent article I came across was this one:

Researchers at Durham University teamed up with the Guardian and the Edinburgh international book festival to survey 181 authors appearing at the 2014 and 2018 festivals. Sixty-three per cent said they heard their characters speak while writing, with 61% reporting characters were capable of acting independently.

(Many still don’t fully understand what’s happening but them trying to explain it is very interesting to me. They are channeling and don’t even know it…or won’t admit it for fear of persecution.)

My website has a lot of information as well as photos when paranormal phenomena in them. My group of peers are the thought leaders and pioneers of fringe science as well as all things metaphysical. We are all working together to change things for the better…for everyone everywhere. It is time to raise the vibration – especially in the entertainment industry – by bringing this discussion into the mainstream across all formats.

I humbly ask you to kindly consider all this and will either write about it or contact publications and approach journalists and anyone else who will listen so that all of you can help to shed light on this enormous and vital topic and end global discrimination against METAs. 

This is an important subject that is gaining momentum and to be ahead of the wave/setting the stage/leading the way is an important thing.

Let us join together, start a dialogue and get articles done on this fascinating timely topic and take action. The days of witch hunts are over…and anyone who wants to continue that very old tradition is in for a surprising response and awakening.

I’ll be writing more and more about this. If you want to write about this or interview me and other experts on this topic, I’ll help you however I can. Please reach out to me via the Contact page. 

In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa Rhyne

Lisa Rhyne


Founder & President of The Dream Masters

Lisa Rhyne


I wanted to share this list of strategies for people to cope better during this phase of dealing with the viral outbreak now happening. They are helpful during any time of boredom, feeling “stuck” or being in isolation during a pandemic lockdown.

Whenever I find myself or a client getting caught up in all the panic and fear, I come back to these techniques. Always trust your insight over eyesight. 

Please feel free to share this information.

In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa Rhyne



Reframing the situation. (i.e. “I’m stuck inside.” to “I’m now able to be at home with all the time I need to get things done and rest.”)

Plenty of rest – this is a blessing to be able to slow down, rest and regenerate. Take your perception of a negative situation and then flip it into a positive. It is a creative challenge that rewires your brain to search for and find positives in all situations/people/places/things. Good stuff!

Along the lines of reframing thoughts I’ve been focused on how this is giving the Earth a break from the pollution that massive amounts of travel as well as industrial production/pollution causes. This is a true blessing for Mother Nature to heal and swing back towards balance. This in and of itself is quite amazing and lifesaving in the long run.

Exercise – we don’t need fancy gyms with a personal trainer. Good old calisthenics – sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups, etc. Get creative! And walking is the sport of genius. I’ve had some of my best ideas while out walking (especially alone in nature).

Good nutrition. Everything you consume causes a chemical reaction. It really is that simple. The body breaks things down – whether it is kale or a bacon cheddar cheeseburger – to utilize it. Now is not the time to eat poorly. They call it “junk food” for a good reason. Chemicals bog the body down and cloud the mind. You truly are what you eat. Since food rationing is a thing, perhaps now is a great time to do a cleanse or intermittent fasting! (see that sweet little reframe!).

Cleaning out my space – organizing closets, cabinets, etc. A decluttered space is a positive thing. I’ve already bagged 3 big garbage bags of clothes to donate (when the time comes to go out and about).

Reconnect. This gives many sufficient time to reconnect on a deeper level with family and friends. When was the last time you had a real, genuine heart-to-heart meaningful conversation with the people in your life? For most, the chaos and hectic day-to-day schedules of work, school, errands, etc. leaves little time to sit, sip a cup of tea and just be present with each other. Phone calls, video chats, carrier pigeons…there are many ways to connect and communicate when you cannot be physically together.

Write, write, write – I am in part a writer by profession but the act of taking pen to paper is a proven method to clear your mind, organize your thoughts (to keep you out of “overwhelm”), to record your dreams and deeply buried thoughts and feelings, unlocking the subconscious in miraculous ways, to boost creativity (wonder how many books, movies and TV shows will be born out of this time of slowing down?) because we are creators.

When writing in a daily or dream journal it is vital that you do this by hand – no typing. That is the difference that makes the difference. It slows your mind because you have to slow down to write something that’s legible. Hey, great opportunity to improve your penmanship since we practically type everything. Handwriting is almost a lost artform that holds magical properties most have long forgotten. Write a love letter – to your lover, yourself, your future self (telling yourself how you not only survived but thrived during this most interesting time in history!), your imaginary boyfriend, whoever!

Create things – whether it is reviving an old hobby or learning new skills, again we are creators. So, find an outlet for all that glorious creativity inside you waiting to be unleashed!

Learn a new skill, language, hobby. That YouTube is a treasure trove. Perhaps you’ll learn a new skill that will lead to a better job or a promotion at your current job! Maybe you’ll create a secondary source of income. We are only limited by our imaginations.

Meditate. There are many forms of meditation that are as ancient as mankind. Find a couple that resonate with you. For some it is prayer, others find yoga, walking or running or other physical means of active meditation. Perhaps you’ll find a YouTube video that offers a new way for you to get heart-centered and peaceful.

Reduce fear inducing activities like watching or reading mainstream news/media or too much social media and internet. You’ve no idea who is on the other ends of all those computers cranking out all the stuff you see online. Discernment is crucial. While they attempt to “inform” most of it (especially now) is fear-based and incorrect which only makes matters worse. Gage how you’re feeling when online or watching/reading news and if you feel fear and dread welling up, shut it off and step outside to recalibrate in nature for a bit.

Trust your instincts. You’ve got extra time to slow down, reconnect to and reignite your inner knowing and self awareness. Know how much is enough for you without being overloaded. This gets back to being mindful, centered and in touch with all of your senses (which all of the above will assist you in accomplishing).

Well, this is rather long but the good news is you’ve got plenty of time on your hands to read it! I hope you’ll find some inspiration in this even if only 1 thing resonates with you. We are all in this together and our compassion and humor will serve us well.

Laughter and music raise our vibrations. The “happier” you are the “higher” you vibrate and it has been proven (even the scientists know about this!) that disease/imbalance cannot exist in a high vibe state of being. The ancients have always known it and many of us today know this universal truth.

What are your thoughts on this post? Are you engaging in any of the above? Anything to add?


In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa

Lisa Rhyne

Founder of The Dream Masters

Lisa Rhyne Rassouli

 by Neale Donald Walsch

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul who said to God, “I know who I am.”

And God said, “That’s wonderful! Who are you?”

And the Little Soul shouted, “I’m the Light!”

God smiled a big smile. “That’s right!” God exclaimed. “You are the Light.”

The Little Soul was so happy, for it had figured out what all the souls in the Kingdom were there to figure out.

“Wow,” said the Little Soul, “this is really cool!”

But soon, knowing who it was was not enough. The Little Soul felt stirrings inside, and now wanted to be who it was. And so the Little Soul went back to God (which is not a bad idea for all souls who want to be Who They Really Are) and said,

“Hi, God! Now that I know Who I am, is it okay for me to be it?”

And God said, “You mean you want to be Who You Already Are?”

“Well,” replied the Little Soul,” it’s one thing to know Who I Am, and another thing altogether to actually be it. I want to feel what it’s like to be the Light!”

“But you already are the Light,” God repeated, smiling again.

“Yes, but I want to see what that feels like!” cried the Little Soul.

“Well,” said God with a chuckle, “I suppose I should have known. You always were the adventuresome one.”

Then God’s expression changed. “There’s only one thing…”

“What?” asked the Little Soul.

“Well, there is nothing else but the Light. You see, I created nothing but what you are; and so, there is no easy way for you to experience yourself as Who You Are, since there is nothing that you are not.”

“Huh?” said the Little Soul, who was now a little confused.

“Think of it this way,” said God. “You are like a candle in the Sun. Oh, you’re there all right. Along with a million, gazillion other candles who make up the Sun. And the sun would not be the Sun without you. Nay, it would be a sun without one of its candles…and that would not be the Sun at all; for it would not shine as brightly. Yet, how to know yourself as the Light when you are amidst the Light -that is the question.”

“Well,” the Little Soul perked up, “you’re God. Think of something!”

Once more God smiled. “I already have,” God said. “Since you cannot see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we’ll surround you with darkness.”

“What’s darkness?” the Little Soul asked.

God replied, “It is that which you are not.”

“Will I be afraid of the dark?” cried the Little Soul.

“Only if you choose to be,” God answered. “There is nothing, really, to be afraid of, unless you decide that there is. You see, we are making it all up. We are pretending.”

“Oh,” said the Little Soul, and felt better already.

Then God explained that, in order to experience anything at all, the exact opposite of it will appear. “It is a great gift,” God said, “because without it, you could not know what anything is like. You could not know Warm without Cold, Up without Down, Fast without Slow. You could not know Left without Right, Here without There, Now without Then.”

“And so,” God concluded, “when you are surrounded with darkness, do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness. Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and don’t be mad about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are, and all others will know, too. Let your Light shine so that everyone will know how special you are!”

“You mean it’s okay to let others see how special I am?” asked the Little Soul.

“Of course!” God chuckled. “It’s very okay! But remember,’special’ does not mean ‘better.’ Everybody is special, each in their own way! Yet many others have forgotten that. They will see that it is okay for them to be special only when you see that it is okay for you to be special.”

“Wow,” said the Little Soul, dancing and skipping and laughing and jumping with joy. “I can be as special as I want to be!”

“Yes, and you can start right now,” said God, who was dancing and skipping and laughing right along with the Little Soul.

“What part of special do you want to be?”

“What part of special?” the Little Soul repeated. “I don’t understand.”

“Well,” God explained, “being the Light is being special, and being special has a lot of parts to it. It is special to be kind. It is special to be gentle. It is special to be creative. It is special to be patient. Can you think of any other ways it is special to be?”

The Little Soul sat quietly for a moment. “I can think of lots of ways to be special!” the Little Soul then exclaimed. “It is special to be helpful. It is special to be sharing. It is special to be friendly. It is special to be considerate of others!”

“Yes!” God agreed, “and you can be all of those things, or any part of special you wish to be, at any moment. That’s what it means to be the Light.”

“I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be!” the Little Soul announced with great excitement. “I want to be the part of special called ‘forgiving’. Isn’t it special to be forgiving?”

“Oh, yes,” God assured the Little Soul. “That is very special.”

“Okay,” said the Little Soul. “That’s what I want to be. I want to be forgiving. I want to experience myself as that.”

“Good,” said God, “but there’s one thing you should know.”

The Little Soul was becoming a bit impatient now. It always seemed as though there were some complication.

“What is it?” the Little Soul sighed.

“There is no one to forgive.”

“No one?” The Little Soul could hardly believe what had been said.

“No one!” God repeated. “Everything I have made is perfect. There is not a single soul in all creation less perfect than you. Look around you.”

It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered. Souls had come from far and wide ~ from all over the Kingdom ~ for the word had gone forth that the Little Soul was having this extraordinary conversation with God, and everyone wanted to hear what they were saying. Looking at the countless other souls gathered there, the Little Soul had to agree. None appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than the Little Soul itself. Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around, and so bright was their Light, that the Little Soul could scarcely gaze upon them.

“Who, then, to forgive?” asked God.

“Boy, this is going to be no fun at all!” grumbled the Little Soul. “I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know what that part of special felt like.”

And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad. But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd.

“Not to worry, Little Soul,” the Friendly Soul said, “I will help you.”

“You will?” the Little Soul brightened. “But what can you do?”

“Why, I can give you someone to forgive!”

“You can?”

“Certainly!” chirped the Friendly Soul. “I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive.”

“But why? Why would you do that?” the Little Soul asked. “You, who are a Being of such utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that I can hardly gaze upon you! What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could cause you ~ who are so light that you dance upon the stars and move through the Kingdom with the speed of your thought–to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?”

“Simple,” the Friendly Soul said. “I would do it because I love you.”

The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.

“Don’t be so amazed,” said the Friendly Soul, “you have done the same thing for me. Don’t you remember? Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all time and in many places have we played together. You just don’t remember.”

“We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it. We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it. We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad; we have both been the victim and the villain of it.”

“Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are. And so,” the Friendly Soul explained further, “I will come into your next lifetime and be the ‘bad one’ this time. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives.

“But what will you do?” the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously, “that will be so terrible?”

“Oh,” replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, “we’ll think of something.”

Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious, and said in a quiet voice, “You are right about one thing, you know.”

“What is that?” the Little Soul wanted to know.

“I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And so, I have but one favour to ask of you in return.”

“Oh, anything, anything!” cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing, “I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!”

Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.

“What is it?” the Little Soul asked. “What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!”

“Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!” God interrupted. “Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels.”

And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul’s request. “What can I do for you?” the Little Soul asked again.

“In the moment that I strike you and smite you,” the Friendly Soul replied, “in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could possible imagine ~ in that very moment…”

“Yes?” the Little Soul interrupted, “yes…?””Remember Who I Really Am.”

“Oh, I will!” cried the Little Soul, “I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!”

“Good,” said the Friendly Soul, “because, you see, I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a very long time. And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are, and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are.”

“No, we won’t!” the Little Soul promised again. “I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift ~ the chance to experience myself as Who I Am.

“And so, the agreement was made. And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness.

And the Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness, and to thank whatever other soul made it possible. And at all the moments in that new lifetime, whenever a new soul appeared on the scene, whether that new soul brought joy or sadness–and especially if it brought sadness–the Little Soul thought of what God had said.

“Always remember,” God had smiled, “I have sent you nothing but angels.”

by Neale Donald Walsch


In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa

Lisa Rhyne

Founder of The Dream Masters

Lisa Rhyne

“Although the term “soul loss” is not familiar to most Westerners, examples of it are expressed daily in our language and descriptions of personal hardships. Media interviews and news reports include individuals’ comments such as “I lost a part of myself when that (trauma) happened and I have not been the same since.”

When discussing soul loss with inquiring individuals, most everyone has a sense of having lost a “part” of themselves at some time in life, yet virtually no one has the awareness that the missing part(s) could be recovered. They can.” ~ Dr. Hank Wesselman

The Current Global Epidemic of Soul Loss

Now more than ever, humanity is suffering a level of Soul Loss that is virtually unprecedented. What some label as PTSD (and other things like depression, apathy, addictions, etc.), is actually soul loss. Humanity is suffering soul loss on individual, family, community, national and global levels. It is a true epidemic. Many believe and fear we are approaching a tipping point where once critical mass is hit…there’ll be no going back.

Many have no idea what the term “soul loss” actually means. The article below beautifully and simply describes it. Here is one quick example. Have you ever heard of someone who was in a really bad car accident and they say that all they remember is when the accident started and then they woke up in the hospital? They don’t remember any details of the accident. And after this accident, they’ve never quite been the same. It could be dramatic or subtle. But something is “off” and they can’t put their finger on it. That is a soul loss event. It is actually a protection mechanism that sometimes corrects on its own but many times requires intervention. 

And unfortunately, anyone other than authentic Shamans cannot transform this and help you heal and return to your fully functioning balanced self. Medical doctors will prescribe pharmaceuticals because that’s their area of knowledge. Pharmaceuticals do nothing to cure – they help mask the observed symptoms but do not get to the root of the problem.

It is like having a yard full of dandelions that you want to get rid of so you go around just popping the heads of the flowers. On all outward appearances it would seem that you’ve gotten rid of/handled your weed problem. But time will prove that you only treated the problem at a shallow surface level and the actual weed problem is still there and will manifest in dandelions again.

Therapists will also prescribe pharmaceuticals and have you talking about things repeatedly – which only ingrains the problem even further making it potentially far worse because you are giving these “negative” aspects a lot of your attention, energy, and money for temporary surface false solutions. Granted, perhaps talking with someone will help you to identify and verbalize what is bothering you. But in the end it will not correct soul loss.

Anyone who knows anything about energy and the “Observer Effect” knows the outcome of focused attention on anything especially if it is repeated over time. This is ancient wisdom and technology that all humans have but only Shamans can work on and change. It is in our DNA to do this work but time has caused many to forget their true power. Shamans can help you get your soul parts back, integrated and your life balanced and back on track to fulfill your true potential and purpose.

You don’t have to be an astronaut to enjoy the stars. Same for this. You don’t have to understand it or believe it to make it the truth. Millions of people across time and all walks of life all over this planet have experienced the life-changing work of soul retrieval and shamanism. Some things are true whether you know, accept, understand or believe them or not. Who knows. Perhaps you are a naturally talented soul retrieval shaman who has yet to awaken your latent abilities that could help you as well as the rest of humanity. Because the part is in the whole and the whole is in the part. When one person is healed it affects everything. 

Symptoms of Soul Loss:

Soul loss is easily recognizable if you know what you’re looking for. Here’s a checklist of some of the classic symptoms:

• feelings of being fragmented, of not being all here

• blocked memory – an inability to remember parts of one’s life

• an inability to feel love or receive love from another

• emotional remoteness


• a sudden onset of apathy or listlessness

• a lack of initiative or enthusiasm

• a lack of joy

• a failure to thrive

• an inability to make decisions

• rage, uncontrolled anger, sudden outbursts of negativity

• an inability to discriminate

• chronic negativity

• addictions

• suicidal tendencies

• melancholy or despair

• chronic depression

One of my biggest concerns is that there are not enough authentic Shamanic practitioners who are initiated and specialize in soul retrieval. It is not something you can just take a workshop for then do. This specialty is of a higher calling and requires initiations that many have never experienced. 

Please beware when someone says they are a Shaman (as that’s your first clue to run in the opposite direction) and that they do soul retrievals. A word to the wise should be sufficient. If you would like referrals for people who do soul retrievals, you can contact me privately. I’ve written about Dr. Wesselman as well as my own Soul Loss and the Soul Retrieval that Jill Kuykendall did for me in my book,  JOURNEY OF A DREAM MASTER.

Below is a photo I took in Sonoma, California of Hank soaking up the mana of JDM with his wife Jill in the background. We were there doing an advanced Shamanic week of study with a small select group hand-picked by Dr. Hank and Jill.

Below is a link to an article about the three causes of spiritual illness including soul loss. There are also articles on Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval. Please read and watch the video(s). Dr. Hank Wesselman and his wife, Jill Kuykendall, have written much and their website is full of valuable information and incredible insights all free to those seeking the knowledge. I highly recommend their books and workshops. There are also YouTube videos of them that are very enlightening and fun. Their YouTube channel is: SharedWisdomCircle. 

Here is the link to Dr. Hank’s article:  Three Causes of Spiritual Illness by Dr. Hank Wesselman 

In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa Rhyne




Lisa rhyne

Founder of The Dream Masters