Phenomena Gallery
Extraordinary otherworldly phenomena have always been a significant part of my life. This is a merely a small sampling of photos and videos from various equipment and formats, including Polaroid, 35mm film, digital, etc. My security cameras have constant orbs and unexplained phenomena. If this is what cameras can capture with their limited technology, can you imagine all the phenomena happening that cameras can’t record?
You can see how my energy affects clients in a few shots below and more on the SOULutions Sessions page.
Below are select photos and images from my book, “Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet” as well as supplemental materials. The book has over 300 images total. Some of the mundane pictures and diagrams that are in the book are not included here. The select images from the book are in the order they appear along with the Chapter and story where they can be found. If something isn’t in the book, we’ve noted that in the description.
The Companion Reference PDF contains all the visuals in the book (in the order they appear) plus the full Mayan Birth Chart, complete Dragon Dictate transcripts, active website links, and extensive “Word, Name, References, and Quoted Content” section at the end.
Click thumbnails to see photos or open documents. Additional various items are in the ARCHIVES.
Please note that all content and photos are copyright protected and are not public domain or for reuse without express prior written permission from Lisa Rhyne.
These are real photos capturing extraordinary phenomena. Most don’t or simply can't comprehend the extraordinary aspects and implications of these photos.
I hope they’ll resonate with you in a way that awakens, enlightens and transforms your consciousness. The book and this gallery are merely a starting point acting as a catalyst to generate paradigm shifts in consciousness.
When you understand fundamental Universal Laws (that we're all subject to regardless of whether or not you understand or are aware of them), you empower and free yourself to play even more fully as one of the eternal Dream Masters.
In humble Service, Love & the Light ~ Lisa Rhyne
"Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet"
Select Images & Bonus Material

Dr. Konstantin Raudive
From Chapter 1: Instrumental Transcommunication.
Click the image to hear his message to George Meek.
On January 27, 1994, the telephone rang in George Meek’s office, and once again George Meek made history. It was the late ITC pioneer Konstantin Raudive on the phone, and it was the second spirit phone call ever placed to an American ITC researcher.
Raudive died on September 2, 1974.

Mayan Calendar Birth Chart
(Chapter 2)
Some believe the Hopi, the Mayans, and the Tibetans are members of the same tribe that separated long ago. Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma and others told me they are all the same people. My dear friend Mark Borcherding (also a friend of Grandfather Martin—see their photo in “Hopi Prophecy: Four Stone Tablets” in chapter 9) is associated with many indigenous elders whose primary work involves the Mayan Calendar, with birth charts based on the combined ancient and new system. He did my chart, which reveals many fascinating insights. Click the image above to see the PDF document.

Otherworldly Dragon Dictation EVP
(Chapter 8)
In my small haunted Santa Fe, New Mexico apartment, on November 17, 2011, I began writing a document using voice dictation software called Dragon Dictation that types out whatever you say and has other commands, like switching between programs, turning functions on and off, etc. Over several weeks, otherworldly sources connected and left strange messages as well as turned the computer's camera on, switched programs and more. My friend Margarete sat in on a few of these sessions. Click the image above to see the PDF document of all those sessions.

The Mysterious and Unexplained Show System Crash
(Chapter 10)
(Click the image to go to the Archives page to listen to the full show.)
Australia and Nashville, Tennessee, September 14, 2009. I called in (using a landline) for a live interview on the Internet/radio show Mysterious & Unexplained. Here’s an excerpt from the show’s website about our interview:
“On this show, Rusty was visited by Lisa Rhyne from The Dream Masters, who dropped in to chat about dreams, motivation, the Hopi Indians, and, of course, The Dream Masters. An enthralling hour but was it Lisa, who has a history of zapping electronic gear, that sent our stream into a spin, causing batteries on our video camera and mobile phone to go flat?” In the pre-interview emails exchanged with the producers before the show, I told them my energy affects electronics—regardless of time, space, or distance. Since I was in America and they were in Australia, they thought it wouldn’t matter. They assured me they had never had any problems dealing with callers from all over the world. As I predicted, I got overly excited as we progressed with the interview. I zapped their system toward the end of my segment. Their Internet chat started malfunctioning; all the electronics went haywire. Then the system crashed entirely, and the phone call (on a landline, not a cell phone) disconnected. It took several minutes to get everything back online. I warned Rusty upfront that it would happen. This shows that some things are true whether you believe them or not.Chapter 11 – Security Camera Stills
Several videos of unusual phenomena are posted on my website, taken with iPhones and surveillance cameras. They’re filled with orbs and other objects. Perhaps the creators of the Predator character were tapping into the morphic field of the actual phenomenon of phasing in and out, resulting in what appears to be invisibility cloaking.
Note from Lisa: There are no bugs, flies, moths, or any other flying insects in this room. These orbs/lights are not insects reflecting light. Plus, there’s the fact that some of these light anomalies are shapeshifting while others are strobing/flashing in distinct patterns as well as phasing in and out (appearing, disappearing then reappearing).
There are far too many “orb” photos to put online. In the “Orb Storm” video has a lot going on for several minutes. This short clip with screenshots show Lisa phasing in and out. You can still see her and the headboard behind her as she becomes completely transparent, moves around, then fully phases back into this reality.
Chapter 11 – Orb: Phasing In and Out
The “Orb Storm” video is filled with countless orbs, lasting for over three minutes. Others appeared throughout the night, but this flurry was spectacular. The sequence shows that you can see through me (like the aliens in the Predator movies) to see everything behind me.
Chapter 11 – Orb: The Pixie Sprite (2 videos – in sequence)
The following screenshots are from the “Light Sprite” online video. You can see it’s not a bug; it morphs and casts a significant shadow.
Chapter 11 – Orb: “ The Oracle” Sprite
This screenshot sequence from the “The Oracle” sprite video on my website shows an orb coming out of the painting. It travels from left to right, morphing the entire time. In Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet, I write about this painting and the artist in Chapter 10. Below is a photo of “The Oracle by Freydoon Rassouli (, 60′′ × 40′′ original oil on canvas.

Below is a slow motion video taken with my iPhone 11 in October 2023 in my car. I’d just finished doing intense session work with another Dream Master. My energy was so high I was trembling and when I settled in my seat I noticed my hand in the bright sunlight so I got out my photo and took this footage. There are more iridescent skin videos in the Archives. My skin is always thoroughly washed, no lotions, body glitter, salts, etc. We are liquid crystalline beings and I write about all this in my book.