The Dream Masters are the next great leap in humanity’s evolution. We are the modern mystical masters, storytellers, spiritual warriors, thought leaders, healers, and the world’s oldest, largest, and most empowered supramental humans.


The quality of life is changed by and through art ~ especially storytelling ~ because art is a non-exclusive all-inclusive form of communication and creation, that’s both in and outside of time. Storytelling (combined with rapidly evolving media and technology) is powerful and transformative. 

As we contemplate and carry forward our higher functions throughout the holographic multiverse (in spirituality, arts, science, education, ethics, and the evolution of both individual and greater collective consciousness), we are rapidly evolving.


We walk between worlds bridging the seen and unseen. We utilize ancient wisdom consciousness technology combined with evolving spiritual practices and synergistic storytelling, which has the infinite potential to holographically reach and transform everything and everyone in a timely and timeless manner.

Imagination, intention, and action lay the tracks for the “Reality Train” to roll down. We play a crucial role in creating all “reality,” working on multiple levels vital to…everything.


We welcome and encourage everyone to come out of “The Metaphysical Closet” now, regardless of whether or not you demonstrate “supernatural” abilities or are simply psi-curious.

We are ferociously curious about all things metaphysical, ancient wisdom consciousness technology, transformation, dream manifestation, and the great Universal truths. Whether you consciously know it or not, you are already quantumly entangled as a vital member of this reality.

We are dreaming, influencing, and creating the past/present/future with each and every thought, word, and deed. When we connect, we are transformed . . . and that radiates throughout eternity. We invite you to awaken into the great dreaming of the endless dream. We are here to remind you of who and what you truly are . . . one of the immortal creators, also known as The Dream Masters.

In Humble Service, Love, Grace & Light ~ Truly, Lisa Rhyne  

Licensed Background Artwork:The Map Is Not The Territory” by Michael Strevens