Lisa Rhyne holding her book, "Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet"
Lisa holding the first proof copy
"Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet" audiobook cover


The paperback, hardcover and ebook are available on Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. The ebook is also available on Apple Books and Google Play Books. (See details on the book’s page.

I am working on the audiobook now (as of April 2024). If you think reading this book is a challenge…imagine professionally narrating nearly 172,000 words for an audiobook! Fortunately, being the author and knowing the material intimately helps me narrate it in a way a stranger never could. This is a monumental task and true labor of love as this book was written in my “voice” and I know I’m the only person to narrate the audiobook. 

It is customary to create a companion “Reference PDF” for audiobooks that contain visuals (charts, diagrams, photos, etc.) and as you know, “Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet” has over 300 visuals. The audiobook’s Reference PDF contains all the visuals in the book (in the order they appear), plus the full Mayan Birth Chart and complete Dragon Dictate transcript. Additionally, it has an extensive “Word, Name, References, and Quoted Content” section at the end.

The audiobook companion Reference PDF will be located on the book’s page when it is completed. 

The Phenomena Gallery has only select images from the book plus supplemental materials (additional photos, Mayan Birth Chart, Dragon Dictate PDF, Videos, etc.)


Self-publishing is great for many reasons . . . but it ain’t for sissies! You can read about self-publishing online, as it is here to stay and a great way for talented creators to get their content produced and made available to the masses globally.

The delay in releasing this book in all formats is based on my ethos of not putting something out that is below acceptable standards. The print paperback and hardcover versions delay is due to a couple of production issues I encountered with the quality of the photos and the weight of the paper stock.

As the paperback and hardcover are print-on-demand, they are only created when you order them. So, they are truly quantumly entangled with you in a unique way, as the book you get was printed specifically for you.

Without going into all the details, I’ll just show you a few examples of the quality of the initial proof copy of the less expensive “standard color.” Below are screenshots from Amazon’s KDP site showing the details of standard and premium color versions.

The quality of the KDP/Amazon standard color was unacceptable to me, so the book is only offered in premium color on heavier stock paper on Amazon. A 532-page book with over 300 images costs more than the typical black and white book. I’ve also included screenshots to show you why color matters, so this book will not be produced in black and white due to the details in the photos.

This compendium is three books in one and worth every penny. I don’t know about you, but if I spent my hard-earned money on a book and got one with photos like the “standard color” samples below, I’d be mad as hell. I decided to print it as the best quality available, even if it does cost a little more because it is worth it.

After much due diligence, I found that’s “standard color” on the 50 lb. paper was high enough quality that I felt okay with offering this as a less expensive print version. I included a couple of photos below to show the difference in the thickness of the books. It has the 50 lb with the 70 lb paper versions. Plus, we have the Phenomena gallery to see photos in greater detail.

Below is a gallery with comparisons of the print version and the various ebook versions (on a phone, tablet, and Kindle E-reader) to show the different fonts and layouts as well as total page number.

Ebooks have advantages, such as being easy to transport as the printed paperback is almost two pounds!

The print versions are formatted with unique fonts that fit the book’s overall theme and aesthetic, the photos are larger, and printed books have a different energy signature than electronic ones. You can put a book under your pillow, on your altar, use it in ceremony . . . and if I sign it, that adds another degree of consciousness energy to it.

They both have their benefits. I’d recommend getting the ebook and a printed copy – either paperback or hardcover.

The photos are much smaller in the ebook. You can click on the thumbnail, and it will open up to a larger version. The ebook layout differs from the print, as shown in the screenshots below.

I hope that sharing some insights will help you understand some of what went into the making of this book over several years, covering a lifetime of experiences as a Dream Master in my never-ending quest and life of spiritual service.

Be sure to go to the Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet page for links to purchase, read blurbs, and connect on social media. All the links for my personal, The Dream Masters, and the book are on the Connect page. You can read just some of the praise received on the Praise page

Visit the Phenomena Gallery, as it has additional photos and materials.

Thank you all for all your love and support on this journey and global movement to encourage everyone to come out of the Metaphysical Closet in these unprecedented times.

Truly in love, humble service, and always the Light, Lisa Rhyne

Thought you might find this as amusing as I did. When I purchased a package of 10 ISBNs from Bowker, they generate the numbers so it is completely random. Their system generated 10 ISBNs and the numbers of the first three ISBNs are very…interesting.

Note, I’m not educated in numerology but have heard these numbers have “mystical” meanings. I think it is fascinating that the last 3 digits of the paperback are my birth month and day (January 17) and the publication date): 1-1-7 and the last 3 of the hardcover is also the publication date: 1-2-4 – January 2024.

This is the kind of synchronicity that’s a regular part of my world!

Ebook: 979-8-9893341-0-0
Paperback: 979-8-9893341-1-7
Hardcover: 979-8-9893341-2-4

Below are screenshots from Amazon’s KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color to show why I chose to publish this book with the best possible quality photos.

Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.
Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.
photo of 2 hardcover books showing the difference in thickness of 50 lb vs. 70 lb paper.
Hardcover - 70 lb vs. 50 lb Paper Stock
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.
The first book, Journey of a Dream Master (Book 1) with the trilogy compendium, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet.

Screenshots below from the first proof copy from Amazon that is “standard” color on the thinner paper stock. There are printing anomalies like bands of incorrect color throughout the entire book. Below are photos from the proof copy with the original photo below to show the difference.

Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.
Screenshots from Amazon's KDP website showing Standard vs. Premium color.

Screenshots below are comparing the print manuscript version with the various ebook versions. There are also color vs. black and white to show why this book will not be offered in a black and white version. 

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