If you are interested in frequency, energy and vibration as well as how these affect everything, then I offer this post as a way of giving you something to possibly explore further and take into consideration during these strange days.
Do you follow the Schumann Resonance tracking? If you do then you already know that the energy the last few weeks is unprecedented. We are composed of and held together by these universal frequencies. I’ve been feeling unusually alert to all this and have a knowingness that it all means something big is already happening and something even bigger is coming. My highly intuitive/sensitive friends and colleagues have been keeping in touch with me regarding this because it is in the “field” and we’re all picking up on it. I rarely speak about these things but I felt compelled to post this. We all concur that these big changes are coming sooner rather than later! Have you been feeling it as well?
Let me offer you just one example of these so called “feelings” of mine to give you some context in case you do not personally know me…
In the fall of 2019, I would comment daily to those closest to me that I had a very disturbing feeling something monumentally “bad” was fast approaching. They’d ask if I thought it was an earthquake (because we’re in Los Angeles). I said no, it was global…and much worse and far-reaching than an earthquake. Death and darkness.
Every single night without fail, I dreamt of impending darkness, massive deaths and global catastrophic events with no specific details or timeline. Unlike usual dreams that fade with the dawn until they leave your mind completely, every day all day long I still sensed all this. It hung over me like an incalculable raging storm racing towards us. It reminded me of living in the Midwest during tornado season as a tornado arrives in your vicinity.
By December 2019, I started clearing out all my personal belongings at my Fox Plaza office at the 20th Century Fox Studios where I worked. I also started stockpiling food and other various emergency supplies. By the first of March, I told my Disney bosses I felt uncomfortable working in the office and asked if I could work from home. I then told them on Friday, March 15, 2020, that I would no longer come into the office. They said they understood and got me a laptop to work remotely. The very next week the Governor of California shut everything down. By the time the shutdown happened, I was already all set up to work safely at home with plenty of provisions.
I love clichés because they are simple, usually funny, truisms. Like these that are of the same theme:
A stitch in time saves 9.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Forewarned is forearmed.
So, getting to the topic of the Schumann Resonance detectors (in Russia and Italy which you can find more information online on your own to understand the graphs, readings, etc.). They have been registering super high frequencies as well as being knocked offline/gone dark repeatedly which is unprecedented. The live Schumann Resonance charts used here come from the Space Observation System at Tomsk Science University, located in Siberia.
Here is a simple graphic of how to understand these images. Notice they haven’t updated their system to include the yellow, orange, red+ colors or extended the graph to show anything over 40.0 hz.
This is a shot of what was happening before the Schumann Resonance graphs started going black/offline.
This is a more recent shot showing how many hours of recording has been blacked out/not recorded (or recorded and just redacted as not revealed it to the public). So, we have no idea what happened during all that blacked out time.
Some say these blackout periods are something being perpetrated by “the evil alphabets” (i.e. dark government entities, etc.) whilst others think it is all the ultra high energy that is bombarding the planet. Hey, could be both!
No one actually knows nor do they know the consequences of this intense energy on all living beings as well as our electronics/the grid system. Consider this: What would you do if the entire world went dark and offline without warning right now…permanently? There are more than a few Hollywood movies that try to convey what that would be like.
Regardless of what these grids are recording or what’s being shared with the public, the incoming energy is high and highly unusual for our lifetime. It has been extraordinarily affecting me in more positive than negative ways. My body’s frequency/vibration is consistently rising, ears ringing (in perceptible tones, patterns, and rhythms) and my mind and brain is buzzing which includes thoughts/words/images/concepts that are downloading too fast to even discern at times yet some very clear). Day and night I tend to tremble and vibrate to the point my body is moving so much it wakes me out of my much needed sleep. And I’m also exhausted and can only sleep.
Oh, I also find it very interesting that if you study the graphs, there is a pattern (for those who can see it). What this means is beyond my ability and willingness to communicate at this time. That’s something you might want to research for yourself and possibly decipher.
As I said in my first book and always tell my clients, I do not do “psychic predictions” for a few reasons. What I am sharing here with you is simply (like quantum physics simple) another one of my “feelings” that something is happening on a massive worldwide scale and things will never be the same. The evolutionary leap is a doozie! It could be a result of both man-made as well as beyond-man-made/Nature/Universe/whatever-you-want-to-call-it forces. (I’m not going to talk about the current global pandemic nor vaccines…but a word to the wise should be sufficient.) Whatever all of this is…it has definitely got my full attention and my curiosity in overdrive. Perhaps it is the same with you.
If you’ve been feeling unusual, it might be that you are sensing the effect of these energy fluctuations. Would love to hear your feedback on all this. Watch where your attention goes and notice what’s different. Stay safe and well out there and remember…forewarned really is forearmed. Okay. That’s all for now, my lovelies.
In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa
lisa rhyne
Founder of The Dream Masters