About Lisa Rhyne


Lisa is interested in the great mysteries and here to serve through transformational storytelling, manifesting informative, enlightening projects and services via consulting, books, films, TV series, streaming projects, and live events that ultimately raise the collective consciousness. Her latest book, Coming Out of the Metaphysical Closet, empowers individuals to become the masters of their life and dreams. After several years away from the spotlight, divine timing has returned her to the global stage.

Lisa’s paradigm-shifting work activates awareness, empowering and encouraging all to join the millions already on this journey to truly know—not wish, hope, believe, or think—it’s possible to embrace both the “normal” and extraordinary (as she’s proof they’re not mutually exclusive) and to fearlessly explore and question “reality” from every angle to become the master of your life and dreams.

Founder of The Dream Masters and META-CON, she’s beloved worldwide as an empowering metaphysician whose work as a writer, producer, and performer, combined with her extraordinary abilities, extensive training, and collaborations with world-renowned healers and thought leaders, enables her to bridge the seen and unseen—walking between worlds by combining ancient advanced wisdom consciousness technologies with modern modalities.

Lisa Rhyne’s life is a heart-centered one of service and advocacy for the disenfranchised—especially the global metaphysical community, regardless of whether or not someone utilizes their supernatural abilities or is simply psi-curious. One of her prime directives is anchoring the Light in Hollywood, promoting positive uplifting and transformational storytelling. 

She has over 160 film and television credits (not including, commercials, music videos, industrial films, voiceovers, demo singing, miscellaneous producing and consulting work, as well as live events, and productions she has worked on). You can read more on her IMDB page.

For those who do not have an IMDbPro account, here is a PDF of her credits as of July 1, 2024.

Lisa Rhyne’s Story (in part):

Lisa dreamt up and manifested The Dream Masters brand and companies, including META-CON, and programs like the METAtation series and SOULutions. She saw all these things (and more) as a child and has spent her life creating them.

She was born with many awakened actualized preternatural/metaphysical abilities (remembered and continued from her other incarnations) and continuously studies metaphysics, quantum and applied physics, all major world religions, and virtually every ancient as well as modern spiritual healing systems and techniques, including her lifelong apprenticeship as a Shaman studying with revered teachers all over the world.

Her work as a professional writer, consultant, producer, actor, publicist, singer, and music composer in the entertainment industry, combined with her innate metaphysical abilities and extensive training, takes her all over the world to work with individuals as well as groups interested in learning and participating in the advancement of human evolution through the alchemy of transformational storytelling.

Before being a multi-hyphenate was practically a requirement in Hollywood (as it is now), Lisa’s agents demanded she focus on only acting – which was unacceptable. (Apparently, they’d never dealt with a natural redhead before, or they’d have known better!) She created an alternate persona and worked under that nom de plume as a ghostwriter, producer, and consultant while performing under her name. It has always been about the work, so she has virtually created projects without public recognition. In 2020. she decided she would no longer work anonymously. She came out of “the metaphysical closet” in 2016 and fully into the light in 2024 with the publication of her second book, “Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet.” 

She was born on Sacred Native American lands near the Cahokia Mounds, which is one of the World Heritage Sites in the U.S. designated by UNESCO. She grew up in a tiny farm town of about 400 people out in the cornfields of North Salem, Indiana, until she went to college. All throughout her life and through college, she’s studied and trained in the arts – from participating in school and church choirs, drama club, and several bands, to acting, singing, dancing (ballet, tap, jazz, modern, ballroom, etc.) many other trainings.

Lisa’s thirst for authentic knowledge, veracious curiosity, high IQ, open heart, and propensity to speak her mind led to good grades, great boredom, and trouble with authority figures, especially in school. This free spirit was (and still is) resistant to the institution of traditional schools because they do not honor or cultivate individualism. She was an honor student and received several scholarships and grants. She chose to go to Ball State University. Lisa did the work equivalent to two degrees in four years, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunications (writing, directing, and producing for film/TV/radio) with a minor in Theatre (emphasis on acting and directing).

She also worked for a major in sound engineering with a minor in applied physics. She didn’t get the official degree because she skipped the first two years of the basics and jumped straight into the junior levels of applied physics, music composition, and sound engineering. All the knowledge without wasted time, money, and paperwork!

Upon graduation, Lisa moved to Nashville, Tennessee. First, doing an engineering apprenticeship at Ronnie Milsap’s studio and then worked for an independent record promoter who was contracted by all the major record labels. She has been a promoter, songwriter, and consultant and worked with the biggest names in entertainment, including Garth Brooks, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson, The Highwaymen, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Shenandoah, Bill Monroe, Rodney Crowell, Roseanne Cash, k.d. lang, Asleep at the Wheel, Lyle Lovett, Dwight Yoakam, Chaka Khan and many many more. She then moved to New York City and later to Los Angeles to pursue her own career interests, which included numerous acting, modeling, and singing, as well as voiceover and demo work. You can see more photos in the various galleries.


She has been featured on many programs, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, appeared with Hank Williams, Jr. in his big comeback Monday Night Football video, was a guest correspondent on A Current Affair, as well as a featured guest on numerous talk shows such as The Phil Donahue Show, Eye to Eye with Connie Chung, The Maury Povich Show, and CNBC’s America’s Talking.

As an executive producer, creative producer, and writer, Lisa has several projects in development. The Spiritwalker project (based on the books and life of Dr. Hank Wesselman) as she has the exclusive literary and life rights to Dr. Wesselman and his wife, Jill Kuykendall’s works and life story.  The Anne Morrow Lindbergh story. She has exclusive life and literary rights granted by the Lindbergh family. The Alchemy of Acting (series and a book collaborating with Lisa’s friend, the famed celebrity photographer Andy Gotts, MBE).  See the Projects page for more information.

She worked for Fox Searchlight Pictures, 20th Century Fox, as well as other film/TV production companies over the years. Her insider knowledge of the entertainment industry is vast, and she incorporates it into her consulting work. Currently, Lisa also works for The Walt Disney Company in the 20th Century Studios – Motion Picture Production, Film Legal Affairs Division, working on above-the-line “A-Level” deals for live-action theatrical film and streaming projects.

She is also actively reaching out to have meaningful discussions with leadership and with various Diversity & Inclusion division with the ultimate goal of helping Hollywood to be more inclusive of “metaphysical” people like her – from hiring (whether that means office employees to filmmakers in front of and behind the cameras) to portrayals of anyone and anything “metaphysical” across all companies and entertainment/media projects. There’s a shift in the collective consciousness and only those who get on board with this movement will thrive. 

Coast to Coast AM - Lisa Garr live interview with Dannion Brinkley and Lisa Rhyne on August 18, 2024.

If you like quantum entanglement . . .

Click the image to listen to the show located on the Archives Page

You can listen to the infamous telephone interview where Lisa was in Nashville, Tennessee, USA speaking, to an Australian podcast. She crashed their system with her energy.

At around 47:57, he mentions some technical issues. They had to cut to commercial. Back from the commercial at 48:31 and talks about my energy affects things. I mentioned that I was on a landline, but the cell phone that was beside me on the desk had gone from a full charge down to 1 bar even though I wasn’t using it.

Before Rusty starts with the second half of the show, at 58:52, he talks about it again. He says some very mysterious and unexplained things just happened when Lisa was just with us. We got zapped completely. Not only did I lose my communication with the stream, but the battery on my video camera also died, my watch stopped, and the battery on my mobile phone died.

Rusty’s comments about the energy surge:
“On this show, Rusty was visited by Lisa Rhyne from The Dream Masters who dropped in to chat about dreams, motivation, the Hopi Indians, and of course The Dream Masters. An enthralling hour but was it Lisa, who has a history of zapping electronic gear, that sent our stream into a spin, causing batteries on our video camera and mobile phone to go flat?”

“I energetically “zapped” their system (my bad) towards the end of my segment!! So some of this has been edited out. I’d warned Rusty upfront that this happens all the time! “~ Lisa Rhyne

paranormal spirit photography

Sometimes it is hard to get a good photo of Lisa because there are lights, orbs, streaks of light, rainbows, and other paranormal things happening. Depending on the emotional state she’s in, all sorts of things can show up in photos. She also tends to short out electronic devices and go through cell phones on a regular basis. She’s written about this (and much more) in her book, “Coming Out of The Metaphysical Closet

which has over 300 images in it.

Growing up, her mom kept buying new cameras because she thought there was something wrong with all of them. Her mother threw out countless unusual photos of Lisa that had these anomalies in them because she didn’t realize what was actually going on. The more Lisa came into her own, and it became virtually impossible to have a career as an actor on camera. See The Phenomena Gallery for pictures and videos.

AFFILIATIONS, education, training, Etc. (in part):

  1. Bachelor of Science from Ball State University
  2. UCLA Extension Writers’ Program for Screenwriting
  4. Paralegal
  5. Institute of Noetic Sciences 
  6. The Theosophical Society in America
  7. The American Association for the Advancement of Science 
  8. The Monroe Institute  
  9. Film Independent
  10. BMI
  11. N.Y. School for Film & TV
  12. Master Level Michael Chekhov Technique – National Michael Chekhov Association
  13. The Hollywood Film Institute
  14. Shamanic Apprentice with Dr. Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall (and others)
  15. PSYCH-K® Facilitator
  16. Master Hypnotist
  17. Master Trainer of Hypnosis
  18. Master Ericksonian Hypnotist
  19. Master Trainer of Ericksonian Hypnosis
  20. Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  21. Master Trainer of NLP
  22. Silva Ultramind System
  23. Master of Neurological Repatterning
  24. Master Results Guide
  25. Master Transformational Guide
  26. Master Manifestation Consultant
  27. Master of Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics/Energetic Healing with Grandmaster Kam Yuen
  28. Qigong with Grandmaster Zhou Ting-Jue and Hong Liu
  29. Master Level Matrix Energetics 
  30. Many Other Disciplines Including: Advanced Remote Viewing, EFT, Sound, Light and Art Therapy, Epigenetics, and too many others to list here.

Lisa Rhyne


Random Thoughts…

Humans have always been storytellers, and history has clearly shown this, from the ancient cave wall drawings and petroglyphs to all the writings, art, and stories we have today. That is how we connect, evolve, heal, and make a difference.

Fame is a fickle fiend, so I’ve never sought to be “famous.” I’ve always stuck to doing my work to be of service – whether through storytelling or more mystical means. I do my best to be an original voice, not an echo – to create and not simply regurgitate what has already been done. Yes, many consider me a healer or visionary because of the transformational work I’ve done since I was a small child. I can’t control what people think, say, or do. I consider myself an eternal student of all things metaphysical and spiritual. I am now and always will be a work in progress. My sincerest hope is to raise the vibration and anchor more light in the world in whatever way possible.

I learned a long time ago to recognize the blessing in a ‘no’ and laugh when people tell me I can’t do something! (See Lisa’s List in my book!) If I had listened to the countless naysayers, I would have never left home, attended college, been featured on The Oprah Show, or taught in Australia! I’d still be out in the cornfields in North Salem, Indiana (not that there’s anything wrong with that!.). Fortunately, I’ve always followed my heart, intuition, and destiny, which has led me on a fantastic rollercoaster ride this lifetime.

I am no guru or expert. I am a wildly curious student of life and all things mystical and magical. I know humans have not reached their full potential. There is so much still unknown, yet there is much known by many, and it has been available to all for centuries worldwide.

Everyone has their own version of you in their mind, regardless of whether or not they’ve even met you. Just by seeing a photo of you, a person formulates their own internal representation of you. Plus, I don’t like labels. I especially don’t like the label ‘healer’ because it implies I am controlling someone else’s reality and can ‘fix’ something that is ‘broken’ or ‘wrong’ as they are experiencing it at the moment. It also implies someone is not at cause or in control of their life – that they are a victim – whether it be a victim of circumstance, a disease, their parents, an accident, or whatever.

I am an activist on behalf of myself and others like me who, for whatever reasons, have activated our “metaphysical” abilities/talents/skills, and our interests include timeless and timely spiritual beliefs and practices. There continues to be prejudice against us that affects our personal and professional lives. It is time to stop discrimination against people like me.

The most important thing is for all of you to stand in the light, stand in your truth, come out of “The Metaphysical Closet,” and raise your voice, contribute to all that’s being developed so humanity and this planet can benefit from you being the Master of your Dreams and contributing to the great Dreaming of the Dream! (You do remember who and what you are, and this is all a Dream, right?)
The time is now to live in your truth because I need you, humanity needs you, and this planet needs you to be exactly who and what you are—living in your truth and fulfilling your destiny. There is strength in numbers; when one succeeds, we all succeed and benefit.

This growing morphic field of coming out of “The Metaphysical Closet” and living in the light is swiftly growing and gaining power. Even lower vibrational humans like that guy named Mark changed the name of his company to “meta.” (You know what I’m talking about!)

And because of all this, and our call to be of service to humanity, we are still broadly discriminated against and thus are still in The Metaphysical Closet (a phrase that came to me as a child because I knew I needed to keep my abilities hidden away in the metaphysical closet. I publically coined this phrase decades ago and used it in my book published in 2106 that people are starting to wake up to and use more and more because this movement is manifesting). It is also why I created META-CON (the Metaphysical Convergence), which I had visions of as a child. I first coined the phrase in the 1990s when we started having these exclusive invite-only gatherings.

Look, I guarantee you recognize not only these labels but also know someone who is at least one of these and/or that this list also includes you. You don’t have to actively practice or demonstrate anything listed below. Simply being interested in anything metaphysical means you are awakening to your full potential. Do you know anyone who possesses or uses any of these? Psychic, energy healer, oracle, supernatural, extraordinary, telepathic, lightworker, telekinetic, all of the “Clairs,” occultist, thaumaturgic, wizard, spiritualistic, witch, otherworldly, Wiccan, conjurer, shaman, homo luminous, fortune teller, palmist, astrologist, medicine person, sorcerer, trance channel medium, starseed, magic/magical, miraculous, spellbinding, mythical, priest/priestess, mysterious, cabalistic, orphic, esoteric, alchemy, voodoo, prophecy, soothsaying, prognostication, gnostic, sage, fortune teller, enchantment, divination…okay, okay, you get the idea! There are too many categories and labels, so I coined the term “Metas” to cover everything and everyone.

The reality you are seeing is a direct result of the thoughts and choices you have made and are making in every given moment. We are always at cause and free to choose something else. There is simply transformation and evolution into the next moment and then the next moment. I choose to participate and facilitate transformations in any way possible in each given moment.

Ultimately, it is a choice each person makes as to whether or not they want something different – whether it be empowerment, good health, wealth, better relationships, etc. – and how fast they get it. That is empowerment at its best. Change happens in an instant. It is the decision to change that can take a lifetime.

We are at an exciting time in history where we have more opportunities to tell stories via multiple platforms worldwide. The ravenous demand for content is creating endless possibilities. I am happier than ever with what’s developing, and all that’s on the horizon. I’ve seen these changes coming for DECADES. And now, the “metaverse” is finally manifesting as I’ve always known it would.

Remember, this is all a Dream, and you are one of The Dream Masters!

In Humble Service, Love, Grace & Light ~ Truly, Lisa Rhyne