Now before I begin my passionate tangent about how vital it is to end global discrimination against METAs, I’ll ask that you please pardon my rambling as I know this is going to be a string of random thoughts as they arise. My brain is in overdrive and I’m quite sleep deprived. I hope you’ll consider what I’m attempting to communicate as briefly as possible – as this is a big topic which is so very dear to my heart and to millions of people worldwide. I had to post this to (hopefully) start a dialogue, get more articles and interviews done on this fascinating, far-reaching, timely and seminal topic.

Here’s the gist of this particular post: Me and my people – the METAs – are still being persecuted and quite frankly, we’re sick and tired of the vile witch hunts, prejudice and discrimination. Enough is enough! The time has come for EVERYONE to be able to come out of the metaphorical “Metaphysical Closet” and step into the Light, to be able to make a living while living our lives openly, authentically, freely and safely. 

This post is about the rampant discrimination against anyone who identifies as or has abilities labeled as: psychic, paranormal, extraordinary, magical, metaphysical, supernatural, shaman(ic), wiccan, pagan, energy healer, light worker, trance channel medium, the fields of parapsychology which includes telekinesis, the “clairs” (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairescence, clairgustance, clairambience) and on and on. You know what I’m talking about. Let’s just call them “METAs”.

I have been in the arts and entertainment industry – in one form or another – for basically my entire life! For my entire life, I have been aware of my supernatural abilities and talents, and have continuously used them as well as endlessly studied a wide variety of metaphysical areas, modalities and practices.

As most who know me know I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA, BMI and other various groups and have owned my own company, The Dream Masters, (“TDM” since 2000) and also currently work at Disney in the Legal Affairs division doing above-the-line, live action deals (my “day job” as it were). It has been an interesting life indeed and the best is yet to come.

I fall into several categories of highly discriminated against people: woman, over 29, not a size -000,…and the never-discussed yet most shunned group in every industry: the “metaphysically gifted” (“METAs”).

I came out of the “Metaphysical Closet” in 2016 and it is now part of my mission to education and advocate for “METAs” worldwide.

If it weren’t for Metas, the arts and entertainment industry wouldn’t exist. Period. Read that again. 

At this time, there’s an unprecedented movement to eliminate discrimination and hate crimes against a wide variety of groups of people based on: color, race, religion, sexual orientation/identification, LGBTQ+, etc. But still nothing significant for the METAs! 

Shockingly, the scientifically proven, absolute oldest and largest group of humans in the entire world throughout all of history (and often the greatest contributors to the arts and entertainment industry on all levels) are the METAs.

Yet, we are still forced to live in the metaphorical “closet” because of who and what we are – how we were born as well as our choices on how to live (and make the world a better place for all). METAs are still forced to hide our innate abilities as well as valuable learned skills, unable to live safely and authentically out in the open. We constantly have to hide and lie to protect not only ourselves but our families as well as keep our jobs. 

Under current federal laws, “religion” is one protected category…unless you’re a pagan, wiccan, satanist, druid, voo doo/ hoo doo practitioner, etc. Then you’re still considered a weirdo (and possibly delusional and dangerous) and companies lie about why we don’t get the job to avoid lawsuits. But, being highly intuitive and intelligent, we METAs know why we don’t get hired. 

METAs pretty much stay in the closet so they can keep their jobs and have a good life for themselves and their families. As for the entertainment industry…the federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on age and equal pay are a joke (ask 99% of the women). Now factor in people who are METAs…there’s unprecedented discrimination. I am speaking out and standing up to this because I’m fed up with all the double-standards and hate-based discrimination born of ignorance, fear, envy and jealousy.

METAs are usually master storytellers at heart. It takes great imagination and focused intention to manifest great stories and for actors to embody characters. There is an alchemy to acting and all great movies as well as music have a metaphysical ability to transform the audience. 

The greatest storytellers all attribute an unseen force/source for their works. The greatest composers and authors all say something to the effect, “I just wrote down what I heard in my head (or in my dreams or daydreams).” THAT is the perfect example of “channeling” information from unseen dimensions/realms/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Artists see the painting/picture/sculpture in their mind’s eye and then make it here in this reality.

Writers have been quoted saying that a story that just came to them but got put on a shelf for 20 years will be vastly different when they try to get back into editing it. The village has changed, the people have all changed (grown up, got married, divorced, had kids, died, etc.) and they rewrite a lot of the original manuscript/script. The reason is so simple that it gets missed/dismissed most of the time…or the writer knows what’s going on and will never admit to it for fear of being blacklisted as a kook.

Here’s what happens: Twenty years ago, a writer achieves resonance with a person, a place…let’s say a tiny village and the people in it. Doesn’t matter how – it can happen a number of ways. The writer’s accessing another realm where this place and all its people are real. Naturally over the course of 20 years things change. When that writer returns to that old story they put away on a shelf and gets back into resonance with the village and those people…it is different. And since time is relevant…20 years here could possibly equal 1 or 100 years in that alternate reality.

There are hundreds of quotes on line talking about this phenomena. For instance:

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ” ~ Michelangelo

People hear that and say I’m being modest, but I am not a modest person, but I have to be truthful about what I’m doing and what I’m doing is channeling. ~ Morgan Freeman

You can’t sit down and write 300 compositions in a three-month period and think that you’re doing it all by yourself. Obviously, there’s something going on here. And whether you want to call it channeling or being connected to a creative force or knowing your history and knowing where you belong, that’s, you know, maybe a personal thing. ~ John Zorn

Many times, working is kind of like channeling, and I really don’t know what’s going to fall on the page. I just did this image of a fat girl and put her on a tiny mountain peak of grass that she’s walking over. It just amused me. ~ Gloria Vanderbilt

“When I am ….. completely myself, entirely alone… or during the night when I cannot sleep, it is on such occasions that my ideas flow best and most abundantly. Whence and how these ideas come I know not nor can I force them.”
― Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

You can research this type of stuff all day long on the Internet. One interesting recent article I came across was this one:

Researchers at Durham University teamed up with the Guardian and the Edinburgh international book festival to survey 181 authors appearing at the 2014 and 2018 festivals. Sixty-three per cent said they heard their characters speak while writing, with 61% reporting characters were capable of acting independently.

(Many still don’t fully understand what’s happening but them trying to explain it is very interesting to me. They are channeling and don’t even know it…or won’t admit it for fear of persecution.)


My website has a lot of information as well as photos when paranormal phenomena in them. My group of peers are the thought leaders and pioneers of fringe science as well as all things metaphysical. We are all working together to change things for the better…for everyone everywhere. It is time to raise the vibration – especially in the entertainment industry – by bringing this discussion into the mainstream across all formats.

I humbly ask you to kindly consider all this and will either write about it or contact publications and approach journalists and anyone else who will listen so that all of you can help to shed light on this enormous and vital topic and end global discrimination against METAs. 

This is an important subject that is gaining momentum and to be ahead of the wave/setting the stage/leading the way is an important thing.

Let us join together, start a dialogue and get articles done on this fascinating timely topic and take action. The days of witch hunts are over…and anyone who wants to continue that very old tradition is in for a surprising response and awakening.

I’ll be writing more and more about this. If you want to write about this or interview me and other experts on this topic, I’ll help you however I can. Please reach out to me via the Contact page. 

In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa Rhyne

Lisa Rhyne


Founder & President of The Dream Masters

Lisa Rhyne


I wanted to share this list of strategies for people to cope better during this phase of dealing with the viral outbreak now happening. They are helpful during any time of boredom, feeling “stuck” or being in isolation during a pandemic lockdown.

Whenever I find myself or a client getting caught up in all the panic and fear, I come back to these techniques. Always trust your insight over eyesight. 

Please feel free to share this information.

In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa Rhyne



Reframing the situation. (i.e. “I’m stuck inside.” to “I’m now able to be at home with all the time I need to get things done and rest.”)

Plenty of rest – this is a blessing to be able to slow down, rest and regenerate. Take your perception of a negative situation and then flip it into a positive. It is a creative challenge that rewires your brain to search for and find positives in all situations/people/places/things. Good stuff!

Along the lines of reframing thoughts I’ve been focused on how this is giving the Earth a break from the pollution that massive amounts of travel as well as industrial production/pollution causes. This is a true blessing for Mother Nature to heal and swing back towards balance. This in and of itself is quite amazing and lifesaving in the long run.

Exercise – we don’t need fancy gyms with a personal trainer. Good old calisthenics – sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups, etc. Get creative! And walking is the sport of genius. I’ve had some of my best ideas while out walking (especially alone in nature).

Good nutrition. Everything you consume causes a chemical reaction. It really is that simple. The body breaks things down – whether it is kale or a bacon cheddar cheeseburger – to utilize it. Now is not the time to eat poorly. They call it “junk food” for a good reason. Chemicals bog the body down and cloud the mind. You truly are what you eat. Since food rationing is a thing, perhaps now is a great time to do a cleanse or intermittent fasting! (see that sweet little reframe!).

Cleaning out my space – organizing closets, cabinets, etc. A decluttered space is a positive thing. I’ve already bagged 3 big garbage bags of clothes to donate (when the time comes to go out and about).

Reconnect. This gives many sufficient time to reconnect on a deeper level with family and friends. When was the last time you had a real, genuine heart-to-heart meaningful conversation with the people in your life? For most, the chaos and hectic day-to-day schedules of work, school, errands, etc. leaves little time to sit, sip a cup of tea and just be present with each other. Phone calls, video chats, carrier pigeons…there are many ways to connect and communicate when you cannot be physically together.

Write, write, write – I am in part a writer by profession but the act of taking pen to paper is a proven method to clear your mind, organize your thoughts (to keep you out of “overwhelm”), to record your dreams and deeply buried thoughts and feelings, unlocking the subconscious in miraculous ways, to boost creativity (wonder how many books, movies and TV shows will be born out of this time of slowing down?) because we are creators.

When writing in a daily or dream journal it is vital that you do this by hand – no typing. That is the difference that makes the difference. It slows your mind because you have to slow down to write something that’s legible. Hey, great opportunity to improve your penmanship since we practically type everything. Handwriting is almost a lost artform that holds magical properties most have long forgotten. Write a love letter – to your lover, yourself, your future self (telling yourself how you not only survived but thrived during this most interesting time in history!), your imaginary boyfriend, whoever!

Create things – whether it is reviving an old hobby or learning new skills, again we are creators. So, find an outlet for all that glorious creativity inside you waiting to be unleashed!

Learn a new skill, language, hobby. That YouTube is a treasure trove. Perhaps you’ll learn a new skill that will lead to a better job or a promotion at your current job! Maybe you’ll create a secondary source of income. We are only limited by our imaginations.

Meditate. There are many forms of meditation that are as ancient as mankind. Find a couple that resonate with you. For some it is prayer, others find yoga, walking or running or other physical means of active meditation. Perhaps you’ll find a YouTube video that offers a new way for you to get heart-centered and peaceful.

Reduce fear inducing activities like watching or reading mainstream news/media or too much social media and internet. You’ve no idea who is on the other ends of all those computers cranking out all the stuff you see online. Discernment is crucial. While they attempt to “inform” most of it (especially now) is fear-based and incorrect which only makes matters worse. Gage how you’re feeling when online or watching/reading news and if you feel fear and dread welling up, shut it off and step outside to recalibrate in nature for a bit.

Trust your instincts. You’ve got extra time to slow down, reconnect to and reignite your inner knowing and self awareness. Know how much is enough for you without being overloaded. This gets back to being mindful, centered and in touch with all of your senses (which all of the above will assist you in accomplishing).

Well, this is rather long but the good news is you’ve got plenty of time on your hands to read it! I hope you’ll find some inspiration in this even if only 1 thing resonates with you. We are all in this together and our compassion and humor will serve us well.

Laughter and music raise our vibrations. The “happier” you are the “higher” you vibrate and it has been proven (even the scientists know about this!) that disease/imbalance cannot exist in a high vibe state of being. The ancients have always known it and many of us today know this universal truth.

What are your thoughts on this post? Are you engaging in any of the above? Anything to add?


In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa

Lisa Rhyne

Founder of The Dream Masters

Lisa Rhyne

“Although the term “soul loss” is not familiar to most Westerners, examples of it are expressed daily in our language and descriptions of personal hardships. Media interviews and news reports include individuals’ comments such as “I lost a part of myself when that (trauma) happened and I have not been the same since.”

When discussing soul loss with inquiring individuals, most everyone has a sense of having lost a “part” of themselves at some time in life, yet virtually no one has the awareness that the missing part(s) could be recovered. They can.” ~ Dr. Hank Wesselman

The Current Global Epidemic of Soul Loss

Now more than ever, humanity is suffering a level of Soul Loss that is virtually unprecedented. What some label as PTSD (and other things like depression, apathy, addictions, etc.), is actually soul loss. Humanity is suffering soul loss on individual, family, community, national and global levels. It is a true epidemic. Many believe and fear we are approaching a tipping point where once critical mass is hit…there’ll be no going back.

Many have no idea what the term “soul loss” actually means. The article below beautifully and simply describes it. Here is one quick example. Have you ever heard of someone who was in a really bad car accident and they say that all they remember is when the accident started and then they woke up in the hospital? They don’t remember any details of the accident. And after this accident, they’ve never quite been the same. It could be dramatic or subtle. But something is “off” and they can’t put their finger on it. That is a soul loss event. It is actually a protection mechanism that sometimes corrects on its own but many times requires intervention. 

And unfortunately, anyone other than authentic Shamans cannot transform this and help you heal and return to your fully functioning balanced self. Medical doctors will prescribe pharmaceuticals because that’s their area of knowledge. Pharmaceuticals do nothing to cure – they help mask the observed symptoms but do not get to the root of the problem.

It is like having a yard full of dandelions that you want to get rid of so you go around just popping the heads of the flowers. On all outward appearances it would seem that you’ve gotten rid of/handled your weed problem. But time will prove that you only treated the problem at a shallow surface level and the actual weed problem is still there and will manifest in dandelions again.

Therapists will also prescribe pharmaceuticals and have you talking about things repeatedly – which only ingrains the problem even further making it potentially far worse because you are giving these “negative” aspects a lot of your attention, energy, and money for temporary surface false solutions. Granted, perhaps talking with someone will help you to identify and verbalize what is bothering you. But in the end it will not correct soul loss.

Anyone who knows anything about energy and the “Observer Effect” knows the outcome of focused attention on anything especially if it is repeated over time. This is ancient wisdom and technology that all humans have but only Shamans can work on and change. It is in our DNA to do this work but time has caused many to forget their true power. Shamans can help you get your soul parts back, integrated and your life balanced and back on track to fulfill your true potential and purpose.

You don’t have to be an astronaut to enjoy the stars. Same for this. You don’t have to understand it or believe it to make it the truth. Millions of people across time and all walks of life all over this planet have experienced the life-changing work of soul retrieval and shamanism. Some things are true whether you know, accept, understand or believe them or not. Who knows. Perhaps you are a naturally talented soul retrieval shaman who has yet to awaken your latent abilities that could help you as well as the rest of humanity. Because the part is in the whole and the whole is in the part. When one person is healed it affects everything. 

Symptoms of Soul Loss:

Soul loss is easily recognizable if you know what you’re looking for. Here’s a checklist of some of the classic symptoms:

• feelings of being fragmented, of not being all here

• blocked memory – an inability to remember parts of one’s life

• an inability to feel love or receive love from another

• emotional remoteness


• a sudden onset of apathy or listlessness

• a lack of initiative or enthusiasm

• a lack of joy

• a failure to thrive

• an inability to make decisions

• rage, uncontrolled anger, sudden outbursts of negativity

• an inability to discriminate

• chronic negativity

• addictions

• suicidal tendencies

• melancholy or despair

• chronic depression

One of my biggest concerns is that there are not enough authentic Shamanic practitioners who are initiated and specialize in soul retrieval. It is not something you can just take a workshop for then do. This specialty is of a higher calling and requires initiations that many have never experienced. 

Please beware when someone says they are a Shaman (as that’s your first clue to run in the opposite direction) and that they do soul retrievals. A word to the wise should be sufficient. If you would like referrals for people who do soul retrievals, you can contact me privately. I’ve written about Dr. Wesselman as well as my own Soul Loss and the Soul Retrieval that Jill Kuykendall did for me in my book,  JOURNEY OF A DREAM MASTER.

Below is a photo I took in Sonoma, California of Hank soaking up the mana of JDM with his wife Jill in the background. We were there doing an advanced Shamanic week of study with a small select group hand-picked by Dr. Hank and Jill.

Below is a link to an article about the three causes of spiritual illness including soul loss. There are also articles on Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval. Please read and watch the video(s). Dr. Hank Wesselman and his wife, Jill Kuykendall, have written much and their website is full of valuable information and incredible insights all free to those seeking the knowledge. I highly recommend their books and workshops. There are also YouTube videos of them that are very enlightening and fun. Their YouTube channel is: SharedWisdomCircle. 

Here is the link to Dr. Hank’s article:  Three Causes of Spiritual Illness by Dr. Hank Wesselman 

In Humble Service, Love & Light ~ Lisa Rhyne




Lisa rhyne

Founder of The Dream Masters